Error_Yuan's blog

By Error_Yuan, history, 4 weeks ago, In English

When I opened CF today, I noticed that I had five unread messages:

Similar messages keep coming in a row of 4 days. I have no idea what I did. May I ask how to report these users to ban their IP or so? I believe they come from the same person, because after I blacklisted the previous people, a new account will be created to continue sending these messages.

This screenshot comes from a friend of mine. :cold_face::pensive:

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By Error_Yuan, history, 4 months ago, In English

Latest Update (Nov/26): Round 11 has ended!

Hello, Codeforces!

We are the KDOI Team. So far, we have authored so many CP contests, and we would like to make a list of them, to share these contests with you. Hopefully, we will bring more interesting problems and high-quality contests to the whole community!

「KDOI」Round 1 on Luogu

「KDOI」Round 2 on Luogu

「KDOI」Round 3 on Luogu

「KDOI」Round 4, [LGR-130] Luogu Monthly Contest on Luogu

「KDOI」Round 5, [MX-X1] MX Weekly Contest · Future 1 on MXOJ

「KDOI」Round 6 (Junior Division), [LGR-163] Luogu CSP-J 2023 Simulation on Luogu

「KDOI」Round 6 (Senior Division), [LGR-164] Luogu CSP-S 2023 Simulation on Luogu

「KDOI」Round 7 (Division 1), JRKSJ Round 9 on Luogu

「KDOI」Round 7 (Division 2), JRKSJ Round 9 on Luogu

「KDOI」Round 8, Codeforces Round 985, Match 1 on Codeforces.

「KDOI」Round 9, coming soon on Luogu. Guess when will it be held!

「KDOI」Round 10, [LGR-202] Luogu CSP-S 2024 Simulation on Luogu.

「KDOI」Round 11, [MX-S6] MX NOIP 2024 Simulation Round 2 on MXOJ.

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By Error_Yuan, history, 6 months ago, In English

Thank you all for participating in the round!

We apologize for the wrong checker in problem E at the beginning of the contest, as well as the weak tests in problem B. To be honest, all the hacked submissions have similar logic and codes in B, which made me suspicious. Anyway, we are sorry for the inconvenience! >_<

Rating Predictions

2029A - Set

Author: Otomachi_Una
First Blood: Benq at 00:00:51

Code (C++)
Code (Python 3)
Rate the Problem

2029B - Replacement

Author: _istil
First Blood: Benq at 00:02:30

Code (C++)
Code (Python 3)
Rate the Problem

2029C - New Rating

Author: Error_Yuan
First Blood: ksun48 at 00:05:34

Solution 1 (with hints)
Solution 2 (with hints)
Code (Solution 1, C++)
Code (Solution 2, Python 3)
Rate the Problem

2029D - Cool Graph

Author: Error_Yuan
First Blood: ksun48 at 00:13:24

There are many different approaches to this problem. Only the easiest one (at least I think so) is shared here.

Hint 1
Hint 2
Code (C++)
Rate the Problem

2029E - Common Generator

Author: Error_Yuan, _istil
First Blood: ksun48 at 00:23:50

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Code (C++)
Rate the Problem

2029F - Palindrome Everywhere

Author: sszcdjr
First Blood: taeyeon_ss at 00:16:50

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Hint 4
Hint 5
Hint 6
Code (C++)
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Rate the Problem

2029G - Balanced Problem

Author: _istil, Error_Yuan
First Blood: taeyeon_ss at 00:56:22

This problem has two approaches. The first one is the authors' solution, and the second one was found during testing.

Solution 1 (with hints)
Solution 2 (with hints)
Code (Solution 1, C++)
Code (Solution 2, C++)
Rate the Problem

2029H - Message Spread

Author: sszcdjr
First Blood: Benq at 02:04:40 (though unintended brute force), jiangly at 02:55:12 (intended, orz!)

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Hint 4
Code (C++)
Rate the Problem

2029I - Variance Challenge

Author: Error_Yuan
First Blood: rainboy at 01:33:40 (intended, the only solve in contest, orz!)

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Hint 4
Hint 5
Code (C++)
Rate the Problem

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By Error_Yuan, history, 8 months ago, In English

UPD: (From ling_luo) To copy Markdown for discuss and articles, you can:

For discuss, use the code:


For articles, use:


Luogu is a famous OJ (Online Judge) in China. Many users of Codeforces may know it, but don't know how to participate contests on Luogu. So I'm writing this blog to offer a brief tutorial.

I suppose that you do not have a Luogu account, so let's start from registering.

Step 1. Create An Account

Enter the site: link

Here is the English translation for this page.

You need to fill in:

  • username,
  • password (and confirm),
  • the secret code in the picture,
  • your email, (and click the "send verification code" button)
  • check your email, and enter the verification code.

Step 2. Login

If you do not login automatically, you need to login in your own.

Enter the site: link

If you logged in successfully, return to the home page and you will see:

in the top-right corner.

Step 3. Register for the Contest

The home page of Luogu looks like this:

After entering the contest page, you should click the register button.

Step 4. In contest

During the contest, you can view the problem list and solve problems. Most of Luogu contests do not offer English statements, so it is recommended to use chatGPT to translate it. You can click the "copy Markdown" button in the problem page.

If the authors do provide English statements, they are likely to post an annoucement on Codeforces.

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By Error_Yuan, history, 14 months ago, In English
  • Problem A~E: The problems themselves are good and typical A~E. Indeed I like problem D. The pretest for A is a bit weak, and it's not a big problem yet.

  • Problem F: The problem has an origin. :) See the link: click. The problem in contest is only a weakened version of the one in Luogu.

  • Problem G: It's said that our great coordinator had not proved the time complexity of the intended solution is correct :) If the authors did, please share it in the editorial. (although this problem is completely beyond my ability :) )

  • Problem H: Oh dear RedMachine-74, could you please OEIS the sequence before you use the "several-integer-input" problem in rounds next time? Anyone who copied the first example and opened could quickly get the formula. And the problem itself is not so hard imo. Anyway, it should not be used in contest, especially for the last problem.

For me personally, I won't participate in RedMachine-74 rounds any more. The quality of his rounds is far below the average of CF Rounds. This great coordinator has coordinated the following rounds:

  • Codeforces Round 907 (Div. 2), which has a *2000 problem as Div2F :)
  • Codeforces Round 880 (Div. 1 & 2), which got 1400+ downvotes :)
  • Codeforces Round XXX, which has a NP-Hard problem as Div2C with intended solution in O(n log n) :)
  • ... (please take a look at Edit 6)

Dear Mike:

I advise making the round unrated.

You, of course, are shocked. You, of course, think that the round should be rated.

I was also an author of a previous official round. I completely understand the efforts the authors and coordinators paid behind a round. But it is not an excuse to evade responsibility. Serious problems appeared in today's round, in problem F&G&H, ALL OF LAST THREE problems in the contest. According to testers, this round even consists of an unproven problem. If this round remains rated, I guess it will be a decrease in programmers' trust in Codeforces. To avoid this, I kindly advise you to unrate this round and assign at least 2 coordinators for 74TrAkToR rounds in the future.

Please do not reply a "You're wrong, here's why" again!

Edit: I've saved this entry locally to avoid 74TrAkToR from deleting it. 74TrAkToR has done similar things on the announcement of his rounds before. Why can he delete these comments that criticize him?

Edit2: According to testers, the MCS of problem G is wrong, now it is not an unproven problem any more :)

Edit3: I've looked at 74's appeal. Unfortunately, he did not reply to anything that was mentioned in my entry. He just said, "it's all history". :)

Edit4: According to Appeal. 74TrAkToR,

We asked problem H from other authors and, unfortunately, it turned out to be known.

Is it pointing out that 74 knows that H is known, and still use it in the round?

Edit5: I'm sad to see that the rating has been updated. Parhaps I should mention MikeMirzayanov in this blog. Please take a look at this!

Edit6: I've listed all of 74 rounds in 2023. Please check it.


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By Error_Yuan, 19 months ago, In English

Unfortunately, Problem C was coincidenced with a problem authored by me on Luogu (a famous Online Judge platform in China). Here is the link.

Even worse, this problem occured on a recent contest on Luogu (May 2023).

It seems that many people just copied the solution.

upd: Here is the English statement of the problem from Luogu.

You are given two integers $$$n$$$ and $$$k$$$.

Let us define the balance of a permutation $$$^\dagger$$$ $$$a$$$ of length $$$n$$$ by the following progress:

  • For all $$$1\le i\le n$$$, let $$$b_i=\gcd(a_i,a_{i+1})^\ddagger$$$, specifically, we consider $$$a_{n+1}=a_1$$$;
  • The balance of $$$a$$$ equals to the number of distinct intergers in the array $$$b$$$.

You have to find a permutation $$$p$$$ of length $$$n$$$, which balance is exactly $$$k$$$, or determine no such permutation exists.

$$$^\dagger$$$ A permutation of length $$$n$$$ is an array containing each integer from $$$1$$$ to $$$n$$$ exactly once. For example, $$$[2,3,1,5,4]$$$ is a permutation, but $$$[1,2,2]$$$ is not a permutation ($$$2$$$ appears twice in the array), and $$$[1,3,4]$$$ is also not a permutation ($$$n=3$$$ but there is $$$4$$$ in the array).

$$$^\ddagger$$$ $$$\gcd(x,y)$$$ denotes the greatest common divisor (GCD) of integers $$$x$$$ and $$$y$$$.

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By Error_Yuan, 22 months ago, In English

1869A - Make It Zero

Author: Error_Yuan

Hint 1
Hint 2
Rate the problem

1869B - 2D Traveling

Author: programpiggy

Rate the problem

1868A - Fill in the Matrix

Author: Error_Yuan

Hint 1
Hint 2
Rate the problem

1868B1 - Candy Party (Easy Version)

Author: Error_Yuan

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Rate the problem

1868B2 - Candy Party (Hard Version)

Author: Error_Yuan
Please, read the tutorial for B1 first.

Hint 4
Hint 5
Hint 6
Rate the problem

1868C - Travel Plan

Author: programpiggy

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Hint 4
Hint 5

$$$\mathcal O(\sum(m\log n+\log^3n))$$$ solution by programpiggy:


$$$\mathcal O(\sum \log^3n)$$$ solution by sszcdjr:


$$$\mathcal O(\sum \log^2n)$$$ solution by sszcdjr:


$$$\mathcal O(\sum m\log n)$$$ solution by ling_luo:

Rate the problem

1868D - Flower-like Pseudotree

Author: sszcdjr

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Hint 4
Hint 5
Rate the problem

1868E - Min-Sum-Max

Author: duck_pear
Huge thanks to Kubic for the development of this problem!

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Hint 4
Fun Fact
Implementation (by Artyom123)
Rate the problem

1868F - LIS?

Author: Error_Yuan

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Hint for Bonus

Bonus solution by duck_pear:

Rate the problem

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By Error_Yuan, history, 2 years ago, In English

See 1556E - Equilibrium.

Very similar problem — 1775E - The Human Equation is only a weakened version of 1556E - Equilibrium.

Will this round be unrated?

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