On behalf of my unheard grey brothers I demand that we respect users with low rating!
Each day we see toxic comments like "if you're grey your opinion doesn't matter" or "I don't think grey advice would help me to advance to be blue".
No more!
Also grey users don't want to be shamed when they call programming tasks for what they truly are: the questions!
The high-ranked have consolidated much of the rating in the hands of a few! They use their talent and good education to boost and boost their ranks!
They create multi accounts to speed up the rating inflation and to get in the top-10 rated list with two, three of their accounts! They steal the rating of mere low rated people!
They cooperate with the administration which mostly ignores the high-rated multi accounts and cheating!
They create rounds like "Goodbye 2023" in order to destabilise the rating system even more and to make the low rated lose even more points!
We have nothing to lose but our grey colour! Let's consolidate in our struggle against the ratist!
Grey Lives Matter!