TheScrasse's blog

By TheScrasse, history, 3 years ago, In English

Hello everyone,
here is a very simple idea that can be useful for (cp) number theory problems, especially those concerning multiples, divisors, $$$\text{GCD}$$$ and $$$\text{LCM}$$$.

Prerequisites: basic knowledge of number theory (divisibility, $$$\text{GCD}$$$ and $$$\text{LCM}$$$ properties, prime sieve).


Let's start from a simple problem.

You are given $$$n$$$ pairs of positive integers $$$(a_i, b_i)$$$. Let $$$m$$$ be the maximum $$$a_i$$$. For each $$$k$$$, let $$$f(k)$$$ be the sum of the $$$b_i$$$ such that $$$k | a_i$$$. Output all pairs $$$(k, f(k))$$$ such that $$$f(k) > 0$$$.

An obvious preprocessing is to calculate, for each $$$k$$$, the sum of the $$$b_i$$$ such that $$$a_i = k$$$ (let's denote it as $$$g(k)$$$). Then, there are at least $$$3$$$ solutions to the problem.

Solution 1: $$$O(m\log m)$$$

For each $$$k$$$, $$$f(k) = \sum_{i=1}^{\lfloor m/k \rfloor} g(ik)$$$. The complexity is $$$O\left(m\left(\frac{1}{1} + \frac{1}{2} + \dots + \frac{1}{m}\right)\right) = O(m\log m)$$$.

Solution 2: $$$O(n\sqrt m)$$$

There are at most $$$n$$$ nonzero values of $$$g(k)$$$. For each one of them, find the divisors of $$$k$$$ in $$$O(\sqrt k)$$$ and, for each divisor $$$i$$$, let $$$f(i) := f(i) + g(k)$$$.
If $$$m$$$ is large, you may need to use a map to store the values of $$$f(k)$$$ but, as there are $$$O(n\sqrt[3] m)$$$ nonzero values of $$$f(k)$$$, the updates have a complexity of $$$O(n\sqrt[3] m \log(nm)) < O(n\sqrt m)$$$.

Solution 3: $$$O(m + n\sqrt[3] m)$$$

Build a linear prime sieve in $$$[1, m]$$$. For each nonzero value of $$$g(k)$$$, find the prime factors of $$$k$$$ using the sieve, then generate the divisors using a recursive function that finds the Cartesian product of the prime factors. Then, calculate the values of $$$f(k)$$$ like in solution 2.

Depending on the values of $$$n$$$ and $$$m$$$, one of these solutions can be more efficient than the others.

Even if the provided problem seems very specific, the ideas required to solve that task can be generalized to solve a lot of other problems.

1154G - Minimum Possible LCM

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3

agc038_c - LCMs

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3

Implementation (C++)

abc191_f - GCD or MIN

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Hint 4

Implementation (C++)

Other problems

1493D - GCD of an Array (suggested by nor)
1436F - Sum Over Subsets (nor)
Codechef — Chefsums (nor)


We've seen that this technique is very flexible. You can choose the complexity on the basis of the constraints, and $$$f(k)$$$ can be anything that can be updated fast.

Of course, suggestions/corrections are welcome. In particular, please share in the comments other problems that can be solved with this technique.

I hope you enjoyed the blog!

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By TheScrasse, history, 3 years ago, In English

1485A - Add and Divide

Author: TheScrasse
Preparation: MyK_00L

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3

Official solution: 107232596

1485B - Replace and Keep Sorted

Author: TheScrasse
Preparation: Kaey

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Hint 4

Official solution: 107232462

1485C - Floor and Mod

Authors: isaf27, TheScrasse
Preparation: Kaey

Hint 1
Hint 2

Official solution: 107232416

1485D - Multiples and Power Differences

Author: TheScrasse
Preparation: MyK_00L

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3

Official solution: 107232359

1485E - Move and Swap

Author: TheScrasse
Preparation: TheScrasse

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3

Official solution: 107232216

1485F - Copy or Prefix Sum

Author: TheScrasse
Preparation: TheScrasse

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3

Official solution: 107232144

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By TheScrasse, history, 4 years ago, In English

It's quite weird that $$$11$$$ submissions are still running from at least $$$20$$$ minutes, while hundreds of submissions (even with long execution times) are usually evaluated in a few seconds. It seems that the last tests run much more slowly than the other tests. Does anyone know why it happens?


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By TheScrasse, history, 4 years ago, In English

As promised, here are some (nested) hints for Codeforces Round #682 (Div. 2).

1438A - Specific Tastes of Andre

Hint 1

1438B - Valerii Against Everyone

Hint 1

1438C - Engineer Artem

Hint 1

1438D - Powerful Ksenia

Hint 1

I wasn't able to solve E and F. If you did, you may want to add your hints in the comments.

Also, please send a feedback if the hints are unclear or if they spoil the solution too much.

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By TheScrasse, history, 4 years ago, In English

Hi everyone,

many people are a bit disappointed because, for example, while the most difficult problems of Div. 3 contests are still interesting for Div. 2, Div. 3 contests are unrated for higher divisions. The same argument is valid for Div. 2 and Div. 4 contests.

An idea could be make contests rated for everyone, but that's not the best solution because, to reach a $$$\geq 1900$$$ rating, solving Div. 3 and Div. 4 problems very fast would be enough.

An improvement could be make contests partially rated for higher divisions, that is, the rating variation is multiplied by a $$$k$$$ factor ($$$0 \leq k \leq 1$$$) that depends on the target division of the contest and on the initial rating of the contestant (i. e. the relevance of that contest for that contestant). An example: there's a Div. 2 contest, then $$$k$$$ could be $$$1$$$ for a $$$1900$$$ rated contestant, $$$0.8$$$ for a $$$2100$$$ rated contestant, $$$0.5$$$ for a $$$2200$$$ rated contestant, etc.

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By TheScrasse, history, 4 years ago, In English

Hi everyone, I have just tried to solve the problem 161D.
If I use a matrix dp[50010][510], I get a tle verdict, even if the time complexity of the solution is $$$O(nk)$$$, $$$nk < 10^8$$$ and the constant factors are quite small. But if I use a matrix dp[510][50010] and I swap the indices, I get ac with a time of 498 ms (much less than the time limit).
Why does it happen?

Submission with tle verdict: 73781168
Submission with ac verdict: 73781989

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