arnavwinner's blog

By arnavwinner, history, 11 months ago, In English

Hey there!

We are from Ingenuity, a Competitive Programming Club of Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai (IIT Bhilai). Codehunt is a part of an annual Techno-Cultural fest: Meraz 4.0 on the dates from 15th — 17th March 2024.

About Codehunt:

  • This event will be conducted in two stages:
    • Stage 1: 14th March, 6:00pm — 8:00pm IST
    • Stage 2: 17th March, 11:00am — 12:30pm IST
  • This is a team event, where you can form teams with upto 2 members.

About Stage 1

  • Stage 1 of Codehunt consists of 3 parts: RushHour, CodeCompletion and CodeCorrection.
  • Details about Codehunt (for both the stages) can be found through this link: Rulebook
  • Registration for the same can be done using the following link: Google Form
  • To be eligible for Stage 2, you need to come into top 20 in the Leaderboard Ranking.

About Stage 2

To be eligible for Stage 2, you need to qualify Stage 1.

Stage 2 goes by the name: DecipherBox, where norm of Competitive Programming fails. You would be given an input with it's corresponding output via mystery box. You need to guess the "mystery box" that would make this happen :)

"Don't just match the input with the output in the code, try to understand the crux behind it". The crux is what makes it different!

Prize Pool

Prize pool for this event = INR 15,000. (Only for Indian Participants, but unprized participation is open for everyone). Prize Distribution would be shared shortly.

If any doubts, please ask in the comment section.

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By arnavwinner, history, 2 years ago, In English

I am a bit disappointed with my performance in CP. Just wanted to know that is my rating graph natural? (Have a look at my profile) Or am I lacking something due to which I am not improving faster than other people?

Assists in the comments are appreciated!


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