# | User | Rating |
1 | tourist | 3856 |
2 | jiangly | 3747 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3591 |
6 | gamegame | 3477 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3462 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
10 | heuristica | 3431 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 167 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 162 |
3 | Dominater069 | 160 |
4 | Um_nik | 158 |
5 | atcoder_official | 156 |
6 | djm03178 | 153 |
7 | adamant | 152 |
8 | luogu_official | 149 |
9 | awoo | 147 |
10 | TheScrasse | 146 |
Good mood and pure thoughts to everyone who comes here.
1422A - Fence
Author aropan
Solution 94875319
1422B - Nice Matrix
Author andrew
Solution 94875245
1422C - Bargain
Author aropan
Solution 94875502
1422D - Returning Home
Author aropan
Solution 94875536
1422E - Minlexes
Author aropan
Solution 94875558
1422F - Boring Queries
Author andrew
Solution 94875580, author's solution with persistent segment tree 94875295
Tryam, Codeforces!
Perhaps you are waiting for us to announce the final of BSUIR championship, but for now we are only glad to invite you to Codeforces Round 675 (Div. 2), which will be held on Oct/04/2020 19:05 (Moscow time). This round will be rated for the participants with rating lower than 2100.
The problems were prepared for you by andrew, hloya_ygrt, AleXman111 and Vladik together with me. We think that we have prepared good problems for [contest:297213]. After that we selected the best ones for this round.
The company Andersen has been holding a competition for the second year already, which is primarily intended to support students of regional universities in Belarus and Ukraine (starting this year).
First of all, we would like to thank MikeMirzayanov and everyone involved in the development of Codeforces and Polygon platforms. No less thanks to KAN for coordination — thanks to him you will be able to understand our problems. And also to all our coaches and parents who taught us to do everything that we can do.
The score distribution promises to be like this: 500 — 750 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 2750.
Good luck and clean code to everyone!
Congratulations to the winners of the official standings:
1. Yukikaze_
2. lunabbit
3. kamer
4. Potassium_Fan
5. 2018LZY
And overall winners:
1. awoo
2. dlalswp25
3. tfg
4. Sugar_fan
5. hank55663
The editorial will come later.
The editorial came.
Search standings of author now available https://clist.by/standings/?search=writer:Ashishgup:
You can also view your results on the author’s contests https://clist.by/coder/?search=writer:Ashishgup:
If you are unregistered (strange, because registration is free) then you can use this link https://clist.by/account/${YOUR_HANDLE}/resource/codeforces.com/?search=writer:Ashishgup, example:
Currently available only for codeforces and atcoder.
Such graphs can be seen here:
But of course it is better to look right here.
Sure. Sign up, add your accounts and enjoy.
There is also a rating distribution for different resources, for example:
But its relevance may diverge due to inactive participants.
With showing who has advanced next.
Next SRM 784 is tomorrow.
Previous stages:
There is search by participants, countries and languages. And viewing solutions without downloading file.
Added grouping by country (and not only for code jam) and languages:
The results and upsolving of the semifinal are available at link. Many thanks to all guys who made this contest for you: hloya_ygrt, teleport, wilcot, Qwertenx, rui-de, Vladik, vilcheuski, netman, Tkach1024 and jklementseva.
The 9th BSUIR Open Programming Championship will be held from March 13 till April 25, 2019 (Minsk, Belarus).
The 8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship will be held from February 16 till April 13, 2018 (Minsk, Belarus).
The 7th BSUIR Open Programming Championship will be held from March 31 till April 28, 2017 (Minsk, Belarus).
The 6th BSUIR Open Programming Championship will be held from March 26 till April 28, 2016 (Minsk, Belarus). Undergraduates and postgraduates of BSUIR, students of other educational institutions, students from other universities and CIS countries are invited to participate in the Championship.
The competition will take place in three rounds:
First qualifying round is required only for BSUIR and high school teams but other registered teams can also take part in it. Second qualifying round is required for all teams; BSUIR and high school teams from Minsk take part onsite, other teams — distance.
To participate in the Championship teams need to be registered prior to 03.04.2016 incl (prior to 28.03.2016 for BSUIR and high school teams). Participation is free of charge — have fun.
The finalists are 42 teams, showed the best results in the qualifying rounds, but no more than:
Open BSUIR Programming Championship is held by the ACM rules. During the Championship, the teams will be given 5 hours to solve 8 to 12 programming problems. The problems are written in English.
More information about the championship, as well as the problems and results of previous years, you may find at acm.bsuir.by. A little bit of last year video:
UPD Broadcast of Final link.
The V BSUIR Open Programming Championship will be held from 7 till 24 April, 2015 (Minsk, Belarus). Undergraduates and postgraduates of BSUIR, students of other educational institutions, students from other universities and CIS countries are invited to participate in the Championship.
The competition will take place in three rounds:
first qualifying round (distance) — April 7̶-̶9̶ 10-13;
second qualifying round (onsite semi-final) — April 14-16;
Championship final — April 22-24.
Teams from the universities of near and far abroad are invited immediately to the final of the competition (no more than 2 from the same university). To participate in the Championship teams need to be registered prior to 17.04.2015 incl. Qualifying rounds (quarter-finals and semi-finals) are required only for the teams from BSUIR and high school teams. Other registered teams can also take part in the qualifying rounds.
Open BSUIR Programming Championship is held by the ACM rules. During the Championship, the teams will be given 5 hours to solve 8 to 12 programming problems. The problems are written in English. More information about the championship, as well as the problems and results of previous years, you may find at acm.bsuir.by.
UPD. April 5. Moved the date of first qualifying round.
UPD. May 8. Practice and virtual participation of all the stages of the championship is available on Yandex.Contest. Statements are also available on the championship website. Analysis is coming.
Qualification round page - https://www.facebook.com/hackercup/problems.php?round=146094915502528
Countdown - http://fb.me/1glVt0CnM
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