nikgaevoy's blog

By nikgaevoy, 2 years ago, In English

Figure 1: Tiffany

A pdf version of this text could be found here.


First of all, who this article is aimed at. This article assumes you already know what a segment tree is. Have you never heard about the segment tree, the Fenwick tree (aka binary indexed tree, BIT) or the RMQ problem, you should better read about it somewhere else and then come back here right after to learn a bunch of cool stuff. The model target audience is the people able to solve this problem at least in theory. But even if you can't, this article could still be helpful. However, I think this article contains some ideas that were never published before, thus making it interesting even for people who are closely familiar with different variants of the segment tree. And if you are somewhere in the middle, like you know about segment trees, but find stuff like historical sums too complicated, this article is still for you, because it will make those super-easy to understand. Also, there will be a link to the code at the end, which you may take and use.

On a side note, if you are a huge fan of Fenwick tree or using some trees for solving RMQ, the vast majority of this article will still be applicable to your favorite data structure; I just decided to focus on the data structure I find the simplest and, probably, the most feature-rich.

So, let's start!

What Segment Trees Can Actually Do

Here we discuss some algebra behind the operations on a segment tree. But don't be afraid! There's not any hardcore algebra here, we just give everything a name, so that it is easier for us to move on. So, what can segment trees actually do? A bunch of stuff! We have a lot of variants: computing range-sum, range-max, adding in a range, remaxing in a range, etc. We can also mix them as well. In order to make things a little more structured, I call an operation that computes something on a range without modification an addition and range-modification a multiplication.

A tropical example. Let our addition be the operation of maximum and multiplication be the ordinary addition. And let's consider an array [1,2,3]. After multiplication on a range 1..3 (0-indexed, semi-open, as always) by 4 and summing the whole array we will be computing 1+24+34. Or, in ordinary notation it would be max{1,2+4,3+4}.

Yes, I also assume that we always multiply from the right-hand side, because most of the languages have an operator *=, but don't have =*. Here algebra-fans could argue that multiplying from the left-hand side would have been more canonical, but as an average theoretical computer science enjoyer, I do not care.

What do we need from our operations of addition and multiplication in order for our segment tree to work? First of all, we clearly need associativity of both addition and multiplication just to be able to chain them. Second, a segment tree has two specific functions that we also need to work, one for updating a value in a node from the values of its children (we call it update, sometimes it is also called relaxing), and the second one is pushing the update from a node to its children (we call it push).

The update works always, there is nothing specific attached to it, but push requires us to be able to transfer the "modification" to the children, i.e. the following formula holds (x+y)a=xa+ya. This is the distributive property! If we examine the segment tree a little more closely, we will also notice that we require having identity elements for both addition (i.e. zero) and multiplication (i.e. one). To sum up, we need the following properties.

  1. Associativity of addition: x+(y+z)=(x+y)+z.
  2. Associativity of multiplication: a(bc)=(ab)c.
  3. Distributivity of multiplication over addition: (x+y)a=xa+ya.
  4. Having zero: x+0=0+x=x. Sometimes also 0a=0, depending on the implementation.
  5. Having one: x1=x.

This is actually almost a semiring, we only miss the requirement of the addition to be commutative. Unfortunately, there is no algebraic name for such a structure, so I will stick to almost-a-semiring.

An important note: In fact, multipliers and summands don't have to belong to the same set or, from the programming point of view, type; moreover, implementation-wise it makes much more sense to have two different template types and, in fact, I use two different sets of symbols for summands (x,y,z,) and multipliers (a,b,c,), but for the sake of simplicity, I will keep pretending this opportunity does not exist.

At this moment, it may look like we did a lot of boring algebraic work to gain nothing. At least, it seems like a segment tree can do all of that and even much more beyond. But, in fact, it does not, and almost all operations a segment tree can perform fit in this exact framework.


  • Let's start with the simplest one: Z. Clearly, works.

  • max and addition, tropical semiring. Again, fulfills all the requirements, zero and one are infinity and zero, respectively.

  • Range-sum and range-addition. At first glance does not seem to fulfil the distributivity, while definitely being viable for a segment tree. However, it would work if we add the size of a subsegment to the value in the node and use the following rules:


Then all our leaves are of the form x,1. Obviously, we don't have to store the size explicitly, but it is important to notice that it still participates in resulting formulas.

  • Range-sum and range-assign. Here we have to add 1 manually, and multiplication follows the rule ab=b, except for 1, where 1a=a1=a. Again, the same trick with the size.

  • Matrices, linear functions, polynomials, nimbers. Nothing tricky with them, but not excessive to mention as well.

  • Historical sums! If you are unfamiliar with this idea, it is a trick over segment trees that allows you to answer the following types of queries on two "arrays" A and B:

    1. Add on a range of the array A.
    2. Perform element-wise addition B+=A.
    3. Compute range-sums on B.

    And actually, those are much easier at this point, because for them, you are just adding piecewise linear functions representing how values in the array B change over time with the last segment (that represents the future) having the slope of A. The only important thing is to notice that you can store only the last segment of each function, because the time always moves forward. And that is it! Look how much simpler than tutorials on historical sums that are full of formulas over multiple segment trees!

  • Almost any other variant of the segment tree named after some red Chinese participant. The only variant that stands out a bit is the segment tree beats, because unlike other variants of the segment tree its running time is amortized. Maybe a name like "amortized segment tree" would have been more sound than the current one. At least, it would reflect the main difference and be less animeish effectively attracting more problemsetters to the topic.

Multiple Dimensions

We have developed a language in the previous section, and now we can move on to discuss new things. You may say that the multidimensional segment tree is not anything new: you just store a segment tree inside a segment tree, do the same operations as in one-dimensional case, and you are fine. And I almost agree, but what do you do when you want to add on a rectangle and then also compute a sum in a rectangle? Well, you just store a segment tree inside a segment tree and then do the same operations as in one-dimensional case, you just need to check that push works... Oh, wait! push! You can't push the whole segment tree!

And it indeed looks like a problem. Moreover, there were a lot of discussions for similar multidimensional cases. First, there was an article by Laakeri who pointed out that in the most general case of arbitrary dimension, such data structure cannot exist unless ETH falls. Then, there was the problem D in Yuhao Du Contest 7 (all links could be found here) claiming that an offline variant of the two-dimensional case is possible. And now, I am going to present another trick to solve some other variants of this problem. What is even more important, this trick would eventually help us to cut in half both our time and memory usage in the one-dimensional case under some not so restricting conditions.

So, the trick. Let's focus exactly on the problem of an addition on a rectangle and computing the sum on a rectangle. Yes, I know that we can do prefix-sums and probably be fine without range modifications, but that is not the point. Our problem is that we can't push. And we can't make our inner segment trees be pushable, thus, we have to invent a segment tree without pushes. And it is possible!

Actually, I was definitely not the first one to come up with a similar data structure, even though I never saw any information on it posted publicly. But at least, Alex_2oo8 told me that he sometimes implements a similar data structure in some simple cases when I told him about it. Here I will describe the data structure in its most general form and with a couple of important optimizations that, to my knowledge, were never known before.

Let's firstly focus on a one-dimensional case where we want to make range-additions and compute range-sums. Similarly to the general case, we can store two values in a node: the sum on a subrange corresponding to that node and the value of our "laziness" that is what we have to add (in a sense of multiplication) to all our descendants. The difference is that we would never have to push our second value, "laziness". Instead of that, we will apply it each time we exit the node.

Here roughly how we computed range-sum before (in the code, T is the type in which we do all the calculation):

T range_sum(size_t l, size_t r,
            size_t cl, size_t cr, size_t v)
	if (r <= cl || cr <= l)
		return 0;
	if (l <= cl && cr <= r)
		return value[v];

	auto ct = midpoint(cl, cr);

	auto ans = range_sum(l, r, cl, ct, 2 * v) +
	           range_sum(l, r, ct, cr, 2 * v + 1);


	return ans;

And here roughly how we do it now:

T range_sum(size_t l, size_t r,
            size_t cl, size_t cr, size_t v) const
	if (r <= cl || cr <= l)
		return 0;
	if (l <= cl && cr <= r)
		return value[v] + laziness[v] * (cr - cl);

	auto ct = midpoint(cl, cr);

	auto ans = range_sum(l, r, cl, ct, 2 * v) +
	           range_sum(l, r, ct, cr, 2 * v + 1);

	return ans + laziness[v] * (min(cr, r) - max(cl, l));

And in order to solve the problem with rectangular addition and rectangular sum, the only thing we need to change is to additionally perform queries to the inner tree in computing the sum:

T rectangle_sum(size_t l, size_t r,
                size_t bot, size_t top,
                size_t cl, size_t cr, size_t v)
	if (r <= cl || cr <= l)
		return 0;
	if (l <= cl && cr <= r)
		return value[v].range_sum(bot, top) +
		       laziness[v].range_sum(bot, top) * (cr - cl);

	auto ct = midpoint(cl, cr);

	auto ans = rectangle_sum(l, r, bot, top, cl, ct, 2 * v) +
               rectangle_sum(l, r, bot, top, ct, cr, 2 * v + 1);

	return ans + laziness[v].range_sum(bot, top) * (min(cr, r) - max(cl, l));

The addition part does not change too much comparing to ordinary two-dimensional data structures, but updating is a little tricky:

T rectangle_add(size_t l, size_t r,
                size_t bot, size_t top,
                size_t cl, size_t cr, size_t v,
                const auto &x)
	if (r <= cl || cr <= l)
		return 0;
	if (l <= cl && cr <= r)
		laziness[v].range_add(bot, top, x);

		return x * (cr - cl);

	auto ct = midpoint(cl, cr);

	auto add = rectangle_add(l, r, bot, top, cl, ct, 2 * v, x) +
	           rectangle_add(l, r, bot, top, ct, cr, 2 * v + 1, x);

	value[v].range_add(bot, top, add);

	return add;

But what do we actually need from the segment tree for this trick to work? Commutative property of multiplication only: ab=ba. However, in the multidimensional case this property turns out to be quite restrictive (remember that in that case our elements are stripes, not the values, and see how it changed the updating part in rectangle_add) making it hard to come up with almost any other natural example except for rectangular addition and rectangular sum.

But in one-dimensional case, the push-free segment tree (this is how I named it about 3.5 years ago when it came up during some training contest) allows us to write the code without pushes giving the possibility to mark sum queries const and improving the const-safety of your code. But it does not stop here!

Push-Free Segment Tree Upwards

As you probably know, there are two main ways to implement a segment tree. Downwards: recursive, we start at the top and go towards the bottom. And upwards: a simple loop, we start at the bottom of the tree and go towards the top.

You probably also know that the upwards implementation is about two times faster than the downwards. On top of that, it also doesn't require extending the length of the underlying vector to be a power of 2. Note that in this case you have to be extra careful if your addition is not commutative, because, for example, the root can store the sum of the whole array in a wrong order. But if you don't cut any corners and just invoke range-sum on every sum query, it is completely fine.

The main problem of the upwards implementation is that it can't do pushes and therefore is unable to deal with both range sum and range multiplication queries at the same time. But our brand new push-free segment tree does not require them! Even though the idea is not really too smart, it took me more than three years to come up with it.

Still, the most effective implementation is not exactly easy, so I dedicate the rest of this section to the tricks that help make it easier and faster.

Figure 2: Example of multiplication on range 1..11. Cyan cells correspond to multiplied nodes and lime cells correspond to not directly multiplied but with an updated sum.

The first important moment is that when you multiply, there can be up to four nodes on each layer that are to be updated somehow (see Figure 2). Two could have been multiplied themselves, and on two (possibly, distinct) you probably have to run an update. The latter two (when exist) are placed right outside the range we are maintaining when we are running our loop for multiplication. In order not to accidentally access outside the memory (and not to do range-checks), it is wise to have the underlying vector of size at least 2n+2 while having the root at the index 1 (which is actually the best index for the root in all implementations of the segment tree). The second thing we have to remember is that we always have to go the full path to the root, because there could be some nontrivial multipliers or nodes you still have to update. And the last optimization is to change the convention of storing our values a little. If we store not the pair of the sum of the children and the lazied operation to the subtree, but rather the sum with this operation already applied and the operation itself, we would save one additional multiplication per update, which gives us a couple of tens of percents of speedup, depending on the operations themselves. Always nice to have.

And overall, we built a data structure that for any commutative almost-a-semiring is able to do whatever the regular recursive segment tree with lazy propagation can do, but in time and space of the segment tree upwards, which is practically roughly two times better in both parameters! Also, if you think that commutativity is a very restrictive property, remember that sometimes you may slightly change your operations to fulfill it. For example, very non-commutative assignment can become commutative remax, if you add the time of assignment, which makes range-max and range-assignment a viable pair of operations for a push-free segment tree.

Here is the implementation I made with help of Burunduk1 for our team reference document for the World Finals that implements all the tricks above. The repository (here is the link to its root) contains a lot of cool stuff, so if you find something else in it useful, feel free to use it as well.

Off Topic

Having such an opportunity, I also want to promote our (made jointly with tranquility and Kaban-5) new contest that was named SPb SU LOUD Enough Contest 2 in Petrozavodsk Winter Camp 2023 and the Northern stage of the second Universal Cup. We think that its problems are full of great ideas and we are willing to share them with the community to commemorate our retirement from the ICPC career. And if you are reading it somewhere in the future, it is still probably a great contest to train on!


Many thanks to Boris, Liana, tranquility and Kaban-5 who read this text prior to publication. Also, special thanks to Katya for the picture of Tiffany that should attract two times more readers to this text than the sacral knowledge it contains.

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2 years ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +23 Vote: I do not like it

For having 2 different types for the laziness and value arrays, I think the proper name for such a structure might be "a monoid (laziness) acting on a semigroup (value) via HMs", but I think just writing the conditions out is a lot nicer than deciphering that mouthful. Great idea and blog!

2 years ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +18 Vote: I do not like it

we require having identity elements for both addition (i.e. zero)

4. Having zero: 0a=0

I believe you meant a+0=a

2 years ago, # |
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Related blog by bicsi (it's less extensive though)

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    2 years ago, # ^ |
      Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

    Cool! As I mentioned in the post, I knew that some people were using push-free segtree, but I did not know there was a post about it. I don't know how the catalog works, but I believe such things should definitely be there.

    Anyway, the upwards variant (with 2n+2 memory instead of up to 4n) should still be novel

2 years ago, # |
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return ans + laziness[v] * (cr — cl);

return ans + laziness[v].range_sum(bot, top) * (cr — cl);

It should be min(cr, r) - max(cl, l), instead of cr - cl, just like on your github.

2 years ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +8 Vote: I do not like it

I believe in rectangle_add, value[v] += add; should be value[v].range_add(bot, top, add);, right?

If you unwrap this 2D logic a little bit, we're essentially storing 4 different 2D-segtrees, depending on whether the update's x-range contains or is contained by the query's x-range, and likewise for y. This is sometimes a useful way to think about when 2D segtrees work for range-update/range-query. In particular, the reason that 2D segtrees often don't work in cases that 1D segtrees can is because it's difficult to handle the x-range-contains / y-range-contained and x-range-contained / y-range-contains and their interaction; what happens if you query a rectangle, but there are many thin vertical/horizontal updates passing through at many different coordinates?

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    2 years ago, # ^ |
      Vote: I like it +8 Vote: I do not like it

    I believe in rectangle_add, value[v] += add; should be value[v].range_add(bot, top, add);, right?

    Yes, you are absolutely right! I was trying to implement it from scratch instead of copy-pasting from the repo to make new variants resembling the ordinary one as much as possible and failed. Also, thanks to FEDIKUS and Igorjan94 for pointing out another typos, I fixed them and updated the blog.

    Can you elaborate a bit on storing 4 2D-segtrees? I only see an approach to this problem with prefix-sums and inclusion-exclusion principle, but it uses only one 2D-segtree storing linear functions, which definitely can be represented as multiple segtrees, but not 4 of them. It also requires an explicit subtraction, which is probably not that bad, given how restrictive rectangular queries are, but still more than the current approach uses and probably also a bit slower (I did not test it, though).

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      2 years ago, # ^ |
        Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

      Your solution is essentially exactly the 4 2D seg trees, I'm just separating them apart. In particular, laziness and value segtrees don't interact at all in both the inner and outer level, so your 4 segtrees are value[x].value[y], value[x].laziness[y], laziness[x].value[y], and laziness[x].laziness[y].

2 years ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +8 Vote: I do not like it

Btw, one important thing about our almost-a-semiring is that the updates should be "stackable", which is more of a programming aspect than a mathematical one. So we do a bunch of updates abcd, and it is great that they are associative but we also need to be able not to store the whole chain (a,b,c,d). We should be able to represent this collection of updates as just one update (or a constant number of them). In terms of math, there is no problem: it's just another element, but in terms of implementation it's sometimes tricky. For example, if we apply +5, =7, +10, =20, +5, it is just the same as =25. Or a collection of min= and max= updates can be simplified to just at most two such updates.

And also...

The only variant that stand out a bit is the segment tree beats, because unlike other variants of the segment tree its running time is amortized. Maybe a name like "amortized segment tree" would have been more sound than the current one. At least, it would reflect the main difference and be less animeish effectively attracting more problemsetters to the topic.


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    2 years ago, # ^ |
      Vote: I like it +8 Vote: I do not like it

    Btw, one important thing about our almost-a-semiring is that the updates should be "stackable", which is more of a programming aspect than a mathematical one.

    It took me a couple of minutes to realize you are talking about the case when values and updates are not of the same type (or set, from the mathematical point of view). Yes, as I mentioned in the text, I deliberately ignored this possibility for the sake of simplicity, but I don't agree that it is not a mathematical aspect. In fact, even in that case we need to be able to perform only three operations (the choice of letter reflect the type similarly to how it is done in the text):

    1. x+y
    2. xa
    3. ab

    The last one, I believe, is "stackability" and if the types of summands and multipliers coincide, then it is just the second operation, that is why I never mentioned it explicitly.

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      2 years ago, # ^ |
        Vote: I like it +8 Vote: I do not like it

      well, sometimes it's not that obvious even if operations are of the same "type". A combination of change queries of some type may not be of this type anymore. So we need to extend our scope to make it a closed monoid.

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        2 years ago, # ^ |
          Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

        Moreover, the multiplication from xa and ab isn't the same. Thus, I believe we need:

        1. x+y should be closed
        2. ab should be closed
        3. The result of xa should be in X
        4. Associativity of addition in X (because we group segments)
        5. Associativity of multiplication in A (because we can push multiple updates at once)
        6. Distributivity of xa multiplication over x+y addition (so that we can push)
        7. x(ab)=(xa)b (this is the important part, because these two are actually not the same operation, which makes for "stackability")
        8. Commutativity of ab (only for the push-free version)
        9. We don't need x+0=0+x=x since, for example, max doesn't have a neutral element in real numbers
        10. Also we don't really care about x1=x since there doesn't have to be an update which keeps the value (for example: X=R, A=aR|a>0, + and and the other are all normal addition)

        If I missed something, please let me know.

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          2 years ago, # ^ |
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          We do need 0 and 1. We need to answer something to a query on an empty segment and we also need to store an update that does nothing. Those values are in fact 0 and 1. It would be more precise to say that we always can add them by hand as a separate special value in case we don't have them naturally (like for max), but those values should always be in our monoids, or, alternatively speaking, should be representable in our types. Also, we append 0 to the array in the fastest version so that we can avoid doing range-checks.

          The only tricky property is 0a=0. It is not super-necessary, but we still want to have it. A careful implementation never actually uses it, but it is important for the tricks like having the sum of the whole tree in a root. Also, honestly, I don't think there exist a reasonable example where this exact property does not hold.

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        2 years ago, # ^ |
          Vote: I like it +10 Vote: I do not like it

        Another way to phrase this: any class of operations can trivially be made into a monoid by constructing the "free monoid generated by these operations"; any element is just a list of operations, and composition is just concatenating lists. While this gives correct algorithms, they won't be very efficient. Instead, usually we need to take our class of operations and find a computationally efficient monoid which contains all of them; sometimes this is simpler than other times; if the operation is increment, our monoid should be the monoid of "increment by an integer", but if the operations are "a = min(a, x)" and "a = y" and "a = a + z", the monoid is more complicated than just any individual operation.

2 years ago, # |
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Intresting article! Do I understand correctly that the second-level segment tree can be a regular segment tree with push, lazy propagation, and so on? Only matter that the top-level ST to be push-free?

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    2 years ago, # ^ |
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    Yes, in fact, there could be any other data structure that supports all required queries. Usually, you can see some BST here, because it helps reduce memory consumption, often it is a "compressed" segtree, when the problem is offline or the queries are predictable.

12 months ago, # |
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I think, there is another typo in rectangle_add:

return x * (cr - cl) * (top - bot); -> return x * (cr - cl);

Because after we return from "leaves of query" nodes, we do segment operation that apply update(add) to internal structure on segment [bot, top).

value[v].range_add(bot, top, add);
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    10 months ago, # ^ |
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    You are right, thanks! It also does not compile. I will update the text and the pdf.

11 months ago, # |
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I believe this is known as '标记永久化' (lit. persistent tag) in Chinese OI, since you leave the tag on the node rather than pushing down it.

It is also a pretty dated technique, but the example on 2D update and query is perfect.

10 months ago, # |
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nice cat I gotta say