Только что закончился первый день TOKI 2014, уверен многие выбили полный балл :) Выкладывайте сюда свои решения и баллы. Мои (68 — 40 — 100).
№ | Пользователь | Рейтинг |
1 | tourist | 3857 |
2 | jiangly | 3747 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3591 |
6 | gamegame | 3477 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3463 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
10 | heuristica | 3431 |
Страны | Города | Организации | Всё → |
№ | Пользователь | Вклад |
1 | cry | 165 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 161 |
3 | Qingyu | 160 |
4 | Dominater069 | 158 |
5 | atcoder_official | 157 |
6 | adamant | 155 |
7 | Um_nik | 151 |
8 | djm03178 | 150 |
8 | luogu_official | 150 |
10 | awoo | 148 |
Название |
What is TOKI?
Didn't find official site, got a e-mail from our coach. Here's the brief explanation
but i didn't know they had a open contest for intl students too
I got 100-24-100. 1, 3
I had to do it at 1130PM as the other session was during school.
So I did A and C and then went to sleep :P
I got full score.
By the way, reloading never stops at the site. I think something is wrong with it.
I was having the reloading problem, changed Google Chrome to Firefox and the problem was fixed.
HIR180 Hi there, could you please explain your logic for Problem B ? It would be really helpful .
Thanks :)
(Please see my code at first.)
dp[i] = (how many ways of getting i points in the question in which they made the same response)
c[i][j] = (as you know, it means "binomial coefficient")
ex[i] = (the number of candidates in question i)
num = (the sequence of the number of candidates which made they are wrong in the question in which they made the different response)
dp2[a][i] = (the sum of all the multiply of i elements from num[a...k], k is length of num)
all the values are calculated in equal or less than O(N^2).
Suppose Player A and Player B got i points in the question in which they made the same response.
So, Player A got another p-i points, and Player B got another q-i points.
How many ways of such situation?
The answer is dp2[0][k-(p-i)-(q-i)]*dp[i]*c[p-i+q-i][p-i].
(I suppose you'll be able to prove it easily :-))
Thank a lot! I got it :)
Would you please tell, where the contest was held (website)?
Contest site
However you need to register here first
Since the Day 2 of TOKI is over, I think we can start discussing the problems.
Anyone got 300 ?
I got (0-13-100), I think that day 2 a bit harder than day 1 :(
We will publish the statements, analyses, and test data soon. Stay tuned!