vgoofficial's blog

By vgoofficial, history, 2 months ago, In English

International Master

I am extremely happy to say that as of November 30, 2024, after Codeforces Round 989, I have achieved the International Master title!

I've always enjoyed coding since I'm in elementary school. Since 2020, I've been a [rather quiet member] of the competitive programming community, training for USA Computing Olympiad. I've taken competitive programming much more seriously since 2023, studying topics for up to hours a day. It seems like the hard work has paid off, as I've reached both platinum division on USACO and now International Master on Codeforces.

Sometimes, people message me for tips on improving. Let me tell you one secret: there is no shortcut! You get exactly what you put in. With enough effort, your goals in CP will eventually be achieved. Good luck everyone.

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