Hello everyone! What is your wishes for upcoming 2025?
# | User | Rating |
1 | tourist | 3856 |
2 | jiangly | 3747 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3591 |
6 | gamegame | 3477 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3462 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
10 | heuristica | 3431 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 167 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 162 |
3 | Dominater069 | 160 |
4 | Um_nik | 158 |
5 | atcoder_official | 156 |
6 | djm03178 | 153 |
7 | adamant | 152 |
8 | luogu_official | 149 |
9 | awoo | 147 |
10 | TheScrasse | 146 |
Hello everyone! What is your wishes for upcoming 2025?
Name |
To get an internship for 2026 and comeback to cp
Abuse Div. 3's to get to expert, get to USACO Camp and getting better at solving plat problems.
Reach Expert
reach CM
Wanna reach expert so bad XD
get my ai girlfriend up and running by june
you are asking for too much, be reasonable you are already orange there is no going back
Uhhhhhh, Griffith is the absolute worst character in the entire anime world
Look who is talking..
as they say, GET A JOB!
avoid all difficulties
Pass Turkiye 2nd tier olympiads with gold medal
You better put more effort into it then...
ROI Gold , be a CM
what is ROI can you tell me ?
I want to be pupil.
and i want that
yeaaa broooo, GL GL GL
bruh you're still here
Me too!
Become Master :)
To comeback to cp after university entrance exam :)
GM and IOI
please god make me Master please!!!
& obv ICPC with my team V. Imp.
Wish is stable 2800. Dream is touching LGM(as always).
reach master and, as always, hopefully not die
Advance to WF
Wanna be a good problem solver
Have more net delta than 2024
reach master in 6 months
good luck
Something. But not nothing like usual
To not be unemployed !
I really wish to get some discipline back in my life and not be depressed :(
Will try to live a happy life
Candidate Master maybe :)
Become a good problem solver
Master(i failed this year)
Reach Master :)
Reach GM in the next contest I do. (I attempted this year but I failed [not gonna participate in Goodbye 2024] so I want some extra time)
Become better!
Candidate Master
Maybe i will leave cf
becoming expert by feb
wow nice... my goal is same as yours
to be a better person,
gta 6 trailer 2
Became Candidate Mater
I just want to be better everyday
To reach CM.
Reach GM
get a scholarship and be CM
To Get an intern
have fun and maybe touch grass
Reach Expert at least Write at least one problem on an official Codeforces contest
2025-2026 ICPC Asia Pacific Championship (I guess I'm going for 2024-2025 one, but my two teammates(and only other Masters in my university) seems to graduate. So It would be harder than this year.)
or becomming GM (also hard to be)
Solve all 1900-2100 implementation problems
get my dream girlfriend :)
become candidate master specifically 2000 rated by august 2025.
Lost virgin
180 pulls for 5.3 banner
Hoping I can get CM and USACO Gold (and possibly plat if I lock in hard enough)
NOI2025 Au
have a girlfriend
reach master
to be a specialist
Become Master by May
Reach specialist untill 2026
bro you are already expert
No I'm not
Practice hard.
Reach IGM and get gold in CNOI2025
Bring a job, revive relationships with gf
I'll try to hold my EXPERT title for upcoming months try to reach Candidate master.
Till may i want to reach expert :)
To unfuck my life and make enough money to afford a place, I wanna stay as far away as possible from my dysfunctional family. I always felt jealous of people who had the privilege of being born into a stable family. CP used to be my comfort zone, it sheltered me from the brutal reality and gave me a purpose to strive for.
But I've realized that the more I indulge in CP, the worse life becomes and my lack of accountability will eventually catch up to me. CP is to me what alcohol is to an alcoholic, just another drug to numb me from the pain of life. I can't run away forever, I have to slay the dragon once and for all.
Nothing, I hope God gets his wishes fulfilled.
Reach GM and finally become a red coder.
Become Expert
Reach Expert.
I wish earning enough money to hire CP trainer: >=GM one.
Reach Candidate Master and USACO Gold.
more div4
Reach candidate master.
To become Master than GrandMaster in 2025.
Wanna be Expert.
Although it may seen very distant right now, I believe that if I continue studying hard I can reach cm next year and be part of a team that reaches regional finals in ICPC
i Want pupil
To reach Specialist fr because last year i wished for pupil and in the end of 2024 i became pupil :)
become a better human
To get good grades in high school and get to ioi 2025
Finally get to expert
Reach Candidate Master before March 2025.
Reach Master.
Cry more babe
Practice every day and have fun while doing so
orz sir please teach
reach M in 2025
stable specialist till june
1. To get an internship & PPO in 2025 from top MNCs
2. Hitting the master rating
3. Participate in ICPC and secured one of the top ranks
Get internship for 2026 , improve in CP (Probably reach Specialist) , explore other domains, get better at academics, helping others.
I don't know how much of these I am gonna achieve but I am still looking forward!!
be at the top of my class, reach expert, get married
to be chainsawman
Do not go gentle into that good night
Also, have more time to play rhythm games
Reach CM or Master(or even IM).
get red username
Use magic
Reach IM.
just don't wanna be God's strongest warrior this time
To become stable expert by June and reach CM by year end