It was 1.5 years ago When I first took part in a div2 competition, during which I sloved three problems. However i just solve A and B in today's div2. It seems that i just learn a lot of data structures and algorithms but my performance never progress.
us bro
let me tell you secrete.
once you know the cf101 things like you need to include
ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(nullptr);
for fast IOand learning common data structures like DSU, segtree and binary search..
rest of thing is all about talent, gain of progress over practice is illusion
someone become LGM in 2 year, someone suck at green for 2 year what difference?
Can’t agree more
ah, that hurts. Those words made me feel lifeless.
Progress over time with practice is the only key. Talent is nothing but self persuasion and some genetic traits that you have no control over. However, as far as humans are considered, we cannot learn without actually training.
please use english. this is an english/russian community.
The only way is practicing harder. In fact, if cf is your only platform, less than 500 problems a year is far away from "practice a lot". Good luck!
Did you read this entry ? if not it might be what you need to consider
Easy, I got negative progress >_<
stop learning useless algorithms, go and solve some problems, learn how to use binary search
lets see what is my upperlimit, hoping 1500+ atleast,
i could have done better if codeforces is stable on my country side, i need to use some plugins to improve submit timing and proper sleep as i am giving contest an hour late usually because of late sleeping habit
Same here. Although I never did CP seriously till 2024, I still think there should be much more improvement in me, considering that now I've solved over 1000 problems.
go and look CF's "Catalog", that helps a lot, really.