acTiOn_kAmeN___'s blog

By acTiOn_kAmeN___, history, 4 weeks ago, In English

You are given an array A of size n. You are also given q queries where each query is described by two values, start and jump.

For each query you will perform the following operations:

Set SUM 0.

Begin at the index i=start and add the element A[i] to the value of SUM.

Set i=i + jump and add Arr (i+jump) to SUM till i + jump <= N.

The answer to each query is the value of SUM after performing the above operations. Find the sum of answers to all q queries. Since the output can be large return it modulo 10 power 9 +7.

The first line of input contains two space separated integers n (1≤n≤105) and q (1≤q≤105) — the number of elements in the array A and the number of queries respectively..

The second line of input contains n space separated integers A0,A1,...An−1 (1≤Ai≤109) — the elements of array A respectively.

The next q lines contain two space separated integers start (0≤start≤n−1) and jump (1≤jump≤n) denoting the queries.

4 weeks ago, # |
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The best solution I can think of ($$$O(n\log n\sqrt q)$$$, which is probably too much but might be OK if the TL is large):

Create an array of maps s[n]. For each query, add 1 to s[start][jump].

Now, for each element of the array, iterate s[i], and for each element with key k and value v:

  • Add a[i]*v to the answer
  • If i+k<n, add v to s[i+k]
Complexity proof

There's probably a better solution, but this is the fastest I could think of. Hope it helps!

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    4 weeks ago, # ^ |
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    Simpler $$$O((n+q)\sqrt n)$$$ is to precompute prefix sums for $$$jump < \sqrt n$$$ and just bruteforce longer jumps.