Hello, Codeforces.
The XIII BSUIR Open Programming Championship will be held from March 17 to May 3, 2025 (Minsk, Belarus).
Registration is already open and available until March 20 (inclusive). Teams consisting of 3 students from one higher educational institution, as well as school teams from different educational institutions are allowed to participate. Registration is made by the team captain on the website acm.bsuir.by.
The competition will be held in several stages:
- March 17 — 24 — Qualifying round (in absentia, mandatory for schoolchildren and students of BSUIR)
- April 9, 14:00-19:00 — Semi-final (in person, at sites organized by educational institutions)
- April 26 — Student final (in person, Minsk, BSUIR, Building 4, 9 Gikalo Street)
- May 3 — School final (in person, Minsk, BSUIR, Building 4, 9 Gikalo Street)
More information about the upcoming Olympiad and registration can be found on the website acm.bsuir.by.
Some previous videos: