Hello again. I hope nobody has forgotten to register?
In this contest we will try alpha of our chat - if something goes wrong, we turn it off: please do not panic:)
- Current standings
- Problems
- Contest winner: barsuk1
Problemsetters: Дмитрий Матов и Игорь Кудряшов. Thank them for their contributions.
I wish you to advance to the first division.
Mike Mirzayanov.
Ага, есть такая бага.
Проблема в том, что во второй ссылке темы не видно, первого собщения.
Вторые сообщения приходят на почту.
Тогда хорошо было бы видеть то, у чему привязан комментарий.
Спасибо за ответ.
Я не про редирект к топику из мыла.
Я про то, чтобы к странице комментариев сверху прикручивался оригинальный пост.
Кстати мы с тобой обсуждаем это не в той теме и в английской ветке к тому же...
can anyone tell me in problem b why we cant take m as integer and although m is given as integer
but if i am taking m as integer i am getting wrong answer. although in problem statement it is goven that m may have leading zeros but m is integer so no meaning of leading zeros.. so can any one tell me correct thing
Leading zeros in M are very important, because they "take part" at constructing minimal number
for example: M = 0123. minimal number is 1023. If you escape leading zeros in reading M you lost Zeros in result.
first thing we dont have to find answer for m we have to fing=d minimal number for n .
so ur example is nt correct
i m asking here that what is importance of leading zeroes in an integer
that's why my first code did not worked
I missed one such case in Problem B. Finally got ac just after the contest.
I could not find enough explanation about the standing page, in particular:
- what does the penalty represent ?
- for each problem, I finally understood that I have to click on the "+" or negative number but is there a specific penalty for each failed submission ?
(is there a forum for questions related to problems ? I am quite curious about case 9 for problem B - Correct Solution)
It was my fist participation and I really enjoy the web site and how it works, thanks a lot !!
about penalty
There is no forum yet, only blog system.
@ADMIN pls make an statement about question b
in question m is an integer
but i got 3 wrong submission if i m taking m as integer
ans i got accepted wen i made m a string.
why wrong on taking m as integer...?/?
@ADMIN i dunno but wen taking m as 04 if one using int m then it will be 4 and answer will be "OK"
so there is no mistake in int m
correct me if i am wrong
For M = 4 answer is 4. But Valera's answer was 04.
Look at the M and Valera's answer as string(not as numbers)
Quick Sort and Binary Search ?
Sorry for my bad english .
can you mail this for me?
with best regards.
@ADMIN can you please give us input.output of problems ...
so that we can find bugg in our programs
Wrong answer on test 31.
It was my fault, that's why i know the case too. =)
btw, it would be nice to be able to link to the actual solution (I guess vihrov's links work only for him)
I calculated the time wrongly due to the timezone difference.
I wonder whether it will affect my rating. I really hope I can cancel my registration but it seems impossible to do so.
And I really hope that zero submissions will not affect the rating. (I don't know whether topcoder is like this due to the fact it doesn't support PASCAL).`
I think possibility to check contest time at timeanddate.com will be implemented, but later.
Time on that calendar is still Moscow Standard Time (UTC +4), so i had to add 4 hours on it.
Yep, you have to add this calendar to your account at google.com (there is a link in bottom right corner), after that you'll see all events in your time zone. :)
BTW, are you one of the administrators of this website?
(Codeforces Calendar)
@ ADMIN whenever i got mail for new comments i got this url to .ru extension like
so u can make it ".com" for english users......
(and even!) www.codeforces.com
Besides they have different cookies and I need login every time to make some action (answer, give plus, etc).