I appreciate if anyone can help me share his good problems of POIs, just list them in the comments and I'll check them all.
We are given a set of positive integers A. Consider a set of non-negative integers B, such that a number x belongs to B if and only if x is a sum of some elements from A(the elements may be repeated).
Given A and an integer q. Then q integers Bi, determine whether it belongs to B or not. (YES=>"TAK", NO=>"NIE")
n ≤ 5000, Ai ≤ 50000, q ≤ 10000, Bi ≤ 1000000000
Ai < Ai + 1
2 5 7
0 1 4 12 3 2
Seems There is another approach coding it.
You can see next great problem here Maybe these problems helps someone!!!
Let's consider a0, minimum of them.
The point is when you can make x, you also can make x + a0.
So, try finding some of the minimum numbers you can construct in a way that you can construct all of the numbers from them.
582C - Superior Periodic Subarrays
632E - Thief in a Shop
Seems There is another approach coding it.
Actually, it uses dijkstra to implement what I said in hint 3.
Confusion 1: if A[0] is equal to 2, then v2 can only get values 0 or 1.
Confusion 2: Suppose A={2,5,7}
then in first iteration, v=0, d=0. After that we iterate from i=1 to N-1, so in this case v2=(0+5)%2=1 and then we are assigning d2=0+5=5 to d[1]. But 1 can never be constructed using the numbers given {2,5,7}.
Please help here.
look this part of the code:
for x = 1 we have (dist[1] = 5) > (x = 1) so the answer is NO("NIE").
Link to the problem
Thanks. Added.
This one is cool: http://main.edu.pl/en/archive/ontak/2010/ogr
Yes, I thought about it and I remember I came up with a solution that uses checking some different situation and nothing else. Is there a cool solution?! Really?
spoiler in edits
Oh! HEY, PLEASE DON'T SPOIL THE SOLUTION! thanks :) But the idea seems cool :) I'll think and I'll post about it.
Is there any other approach to solve this problem? As I don't find square root decomposition to be that intuitive.
Not that I know of
Auto comment: topic has been updated by saliii (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Auto comment: topic has been updated by saliii (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Where can i find solutions of main problems?
Some of them in looking for a challenge book.
Every year, POI site publish polish solutions! you can use google translation to translate them and use.
You mean looking for a challenge? How is that related to looksery cup? O_o
Oh, thanks :), I made a big mistake!
Just wondering !!
Why the Dijkstra's approach is not giving a TLE for this question? As the complexity is O(N*Max(Ai)*log(maxAi) , and in the worst case
N=5000 MaxAi=50000 log(MaxAi)=15.6 Total number of operations = 3.9*(10^9) And the max time limit on a subtask is 0.4s.
Please let me know If I'm missing on anything.
You can code it in O(N*max(Ai)), without a heap by finding the shortest current distance with brute force. Since the graph is dense, it's better to do it this way
Thanks for replying. Actually, I was asking why the code with the heap is not giving TLE? Isn't the expected number of operations of the order of 10^9 in the worst case scenario ?
How to submit solution? When I tried to submit it shows: We are moving to szkopul.edu.pl! MAIN will no longer be supported.