There was a bug in CF433 div2 C during contest, my solution (identical) passed tests submitted today. I just want somebody to know, so that bugs like this won't happen in the future. My submission: Accepted submission with the same code: Should I report/mail it to somebody maybe? I don't know who's responsible for things like this. Thanks.
I had faced a similar situation in previous round,I don't know what it means but it sure wasted a lot of my time.If I am wrong please point out.
Your codes are different. You made changes, so why are you complaining? Output was not the same as expected.
What did I change??Can u please explain what u r saying?
It is really bug, because last "\n" of an output is optional.
And Codeforces' COMPARE function don't show any difference comparing two versions.
I just realized I'm writing spaces at the end of every line (my helper function does that). It's implied, but not really specified, that whitespaces are ignored in the output, right? So, maybe, it's partially my fault.
Spaces are not allowed, but one newline (the only of all whitespaces) at the end of an output should be optional. I haven't seen any changes with Codeforces' COMPARE function, your both submissions seem identical.
I think it might not use standard COMPARE function, because there's many correct solutions. Thanks for the info that spaces are not allowed, I will remember in the future.
Oh, you mean COMPARE for source codes. Sorry for confusion.
There was an announcement in Div1 contest:
Checker incorrectly handled whitespace characters, it is fixed now, affected solutions are rejudged.
You can see it if you enter Div1 contest page. However, I don't see such an announcement for Div2.