Hello Codeforces!
I would like to invite you to CodeCraft-18, which will take place on Saturday, 20th January, 9:05 PM IST. This is a combined Div. 1 + Div. 2 round and is rated for participants of both divisions.
CodeCraft-18 is part of Felicity, IIIT Hyderabad's most awaited set of events, Threads. With a plethora of intellectually engaging online contests in various fields of programming, mathematics and general knowledge, Threads is a celebration of the spirit of computing and engineering. Other than CodeCraft, we have the Project Euler-style contest Gordian Knot and a jeopardy-style CTF event called Break In, amongst other events.
I would like to thank the CodeCraft team -- FundamentalEq, RohanRTiwari, additya1998, aman_shahi2, born2rule, codelegend, crvineeth97, deepanshugarg, devanshg27, mprocks, nir123 and virus_1010 -- for their amazing work in problemsetting. I would also like to thank vintage_Vlad_Makeev for helping us prepare the problems, and MikeMirzayanov for the great Codeforces and Polygon platforms.
- Top 20 participants win Codeforces T-shirts
- Top 5 participants from India win Codeforces T-shirts
You will be given 8 problems and 3 hours to solve them. The scoring distribution will be announced later. Good luck!
Update: Scoring is 500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 2500 — 3000 — 3500 — 3750
Update 2: We would like to apologize about problem F and G, which turned out to be easier than we expected, and about the mistake in the statement of H.
Congrats to the winners!
Top 20:
1. SkyDec
2. Syloviaely
3. matthew99
4. dotorya
5. FizzyDavid
6. laofudasuanbaofushehui
7. ikatanic
8. jcvb
9. Um_nik
10. molamola.
11. rajat1603
12. geniucos
13. MrDindows
14. Radewoosh
15. --Pavel--
16. shanquan2
17. 613
19. mxh1999
20. satyaki3794
Top 5 in India:
1. rajat1603
2. satyaki3794
3. jtnydv25
4. akulsareen
5. akashdeep
The editorial is ready!