The Codeforces Round 398 (Div. 2) is going to be held on Saturday, 18 February 2017 at 9:05 UTC for participants from division 2.
The round is based on XIII Nizhny Novgorod Olympiad in Informatics for high school students named after V. D. Lelyukh, which will take place on Saturday in Nizhny Novgorod. However, not all problems from the Olympiad are included into this round.
The problems were prepared by KAP, ashmelev, ZhNV, kuzmichev_dima, mmatrosov, mike_live, arsor and me.
You will be given two hours to solve five problems. As usual, participants from division 1 can take part out of competition.
Scoring: 500-1250-1500-2000-2500.
UPD: The contest is over, thanks to all who has participated! Congratulations to the winners:
Div. 2:
- lucyanna2018
- Imperishable-Shooting
- aduiduidui
- Cth1999
- mister_dudec
- FallDream
- Illidan
- Alex342
- A.Magdy7 and TmEnd
Div. 1:
I apologise for the problem difficulty of the problem B, we expected much more accepteds. Hope you liked the problems! The editorial will be posted in 1.5 hours after the Olympiad is finished. Editorial.
We know about the issue with ratings, they will be rolled back and then updated properly. Don't worry.