By MiptLited, 9 years ago, translation, In English

From 8 to 18 November 2016 the Moscow International Workshop ACM ICPC is going to be held at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Moscow International Workshop ACM ICPC presents programming education and training camp for students. It is traditionally held by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the University ITMO with the Lomonosov Moscow State University and this year is going to be the sixth time the event is taking place. The workshop is aimed at training and educating students in programming for successful participation in the ACM ICPC. The official language is English.

The workshop schedule is planned to have 9 workdays that include daily contests and problem analyses, as well as lectures and time for upsolving. In the evenings, there will be sports and other activities.

Contests are moderated by Oleg Khristenko: coordinator of the Pankratiev Open Cup and the main editor of

The training is going to be held in accordance with the "one and a half divisions" scheme. No less than four and no more than five rounds out of nine will be non-thematic five hour long contests with the same level of difficulty as those of the ACM ICPC Regionals. The overall standings will be formed by the results of these rounds. The remaining rounds will be held separately by divisions. The Division A (for experienced teams' training) will also have non-thematic five hour long contests of the ACM ICPC Regionals difficulty level; analyses of non-thematic rounds will be held by MIPT team trainers. The Division B (educational) will have two thematic shortened contests in the morning and in the evening, as well as a lecture in the corresponding topic and analyses of problems composed by lecturers. The schedule is composed in the way that makes it possible for participants of the Division A to submit an application to the organizing committee to become lecturers (on the same conditions as invited lecturers). Teams select a division to participate in themselves. Aside from the overall standings, each division will have its own separate standings calculated, so winners of each division will also be rewarded.

The organizing fee is 34.000 rubles for citizens of countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and $640 for everybody else. This cost includes the curriculum, meals and accomodation in the MIPT campus, as well as the sports and travel programme for weekends. We are also ready to aid with Visas.

Participants and teams that are willing to take part in the training need to pass the preliminary registration. Registration extended until October 24, however if you need a visa in order to enter Russia, we urge you to register until October 12. Information for coaches: if you intend to send a team to the training but will not be sure which one until October 12, and in turn cannot pass the registration, please send us an application with specification of the number of participants to our email

Our website:

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By Nickolas, 9 years ago, translation, In English

On Saturday, September 3rd TopCoder Open comes to Saint-Petersburg. Russia! Event highlights include:

  • an onsite round of Algorithm Competition: an SRM-style competition with top-10 participants advancing to the online Wild Card Round, from which two winners go to TCO finals in Washington DC (rules).
  • T-shirts for all attendees :-)
  • if during the next week (till July 22nd) by August 19th the event gathers 100 participants, TopCoder will add a lightning Marathon match with the same rules as for NYC regional event — the Marathon itself takes place before the onsite and is open for everybody to attend, and at the onsite closing ceremony the winners are celebrated. At the moment there are 26 60 94 registrants.

If you want to participate, register, and the sooner the better :-)

Upd. List of registrants

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By MikeMirzayanov, history, 9 years ago, translation, In English

I am glad to inform you that C++14 has been added to the list of supported languages ​​on Codeforces. The choice fell on the compiler MinGW-w64, version of GCC 6.2.0 (will be updated on new releases). If you have Windows, you can easlily install it using PBOX with one command pbox install mingw-w64.

Besides trendy features of C++14 (not sure there's a lot to the contests), there are some advantages:

  • this compiler is faster than mingw-tdm 5.1.0 on cin/cout — for example, reverse a sequence of 106 integers from 1 to 106 runs 1.5 seconds instead of 2.5 (0.3 vs. 1 if you use std :: ios :: sync_with_stdio (false))
  • works correctly to print a double with the both specifiers %f and %lf (you should read using %lf)
  • works correctly to read-write long double with the specifier %Lf
  • works correctly to read-write long long both with %lld and %I64d

It seems that lately we remove support of MinGW C++/C++11 (especially since it is difficult to upgrade them to GCC 6 due to backward compatibility issues). Of course, after a while C++14 will appear on Polygon.

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By zscoder, history, 9 years ago, In English

Important Update: Our friends have noticed that the upcoming round collides with their contest and also weekend is full of many another contests, so the round is now moved to Monday, 29 August 2016 15:05 MSK. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused and hope that you'll understand us.

Hi everyone!

Codeforces Round #369 (Div. 2) will take place on 27 August 2016 at 16:05 MSK. As usual, Div.1 participants can join out of competition.

I would like to thank for helping me with the preparation of the round, MikeMirzayanov for the amazing Codeforces and Polygon platforms and also Phyto for testing the problems.

I am the author of all the problems, and also helped making one of the problems harder. This is my first round on Codeforces! Hope everyone will enjoy the problems and find them interesting. It is advisable to read all the problems ;)

In this round, you will help ZS the Coder and Chris the Baboon while they are on an adventure in Udayland. Can you help them solve their problems? :)

Good luck, have fun, and wish everyone many Accepted Solutions. :)

UPD : Also thanks to IlyaLos and HellKitsune for testing the problems too.

UPD 2 : There will be 5 problems and the scoring is standard : 500-1000-1500-2000-2500.

UPD 3 : Editorial

UPD 4 :

Congratulations to the winners :

Div. 1 winners :

  1. matthew99

  2. uwi

  3. Egor

  4. Um_nik

  5. kmjp

Div. 2 Winners :

  1. zhabo

  2. ysy_ioi_pengbei

  3. YangJunzhao

  4. lych_cys

  5. Zharaskhan

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By zeliboba, 9 years ago, translation, In English

Hi, Codeforces!

AIM Tech Codeforces Round 3 will take place on August 24, at 19:35 MSK.

The round is prepared by AIM Tech employees: Kostroma, riadwaw, yarrr, ValenKof, Edvard, bobrdobr, malcolm, NVAL, nmakeenkov, agul, Extr and zeliboba. Round will take place during Petrozavodsk Summer Camp, which is sponsored by our company.

We made our problems a little easier than at AIM Tech Round 1 and AIM Tech Round 2 but we promise they won’t be less interesting. Scoring system will be static.

Thanks to Mike Mirzayanov(MikeMirzayanov) for brilliant platforms Polygon and Codeforces and problem coordinator Gleb Evstropov (GlebsHP). Many thanks to AlexFetisov and winger for round testing!

Our company specialises in proprietary trading, the key concepts in our work are big data, low latency and high frequency. Our team mainly consists of graduates from the MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).

We wish you good luck and high frequency rating!

Scoring in both divisions 500-1000-1500-2000-2500


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Announcement of AIM Tech Round 3 (Div. 1)
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By Edvard, 9 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

Educational Codeforces Round 16 will take place on 22 August 2016 at 17:00 MSK for the first and the second divisions.

It will be the last educational round prepared by me. As I earlier said I started to work at the great team of AIM Tech and now have less time to prepare a rounds. To leave the rounds interesting and qualitative another guy will continue to prepare them.

The problemset was partially suggested by Codeforces users. The problem C was suggested by user Resul Hangeldiyev Resul. The problem E is the next problem suggested by Zi Song Yeoh zscoder. The problem F was suggested Alexandr Kulkov adamant. Other problems was suggested by me (they are standard, but it is important to be able to solve them).

All the problems was prepared by me (Edvard Davtyan). Thanks to Tatiana Semyonova Tatiana_S for checking the English statements. Thanks a lot to Ivan Popovich NVAL for testing the problems A-E and Alexandr Kulkov adamant for testing the problem F.

I hope you will enjoy the problems! I think the problemset is little bit more difficult than usual, but I'm sure that it will not stop you :-)

Good luck and have fun!

UPD 1: The testing on hacks is completed. Thank you for participation!

UPD 2: The editorial is ready.

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By zloyplace35, 9 years ago, translation, In English

Hello everybody!

Codeforces Round #368 (Div.2) takes place on August 20th. As usual Div.1 participants can join out of competition.

I am the author of all problems.

I want to thank and GlebsHP for helping me prepare this contest, vovuh for testing it, Roms for statement reading and MikeMirzayanov for platforms of Codeforces and Polygon.

I advise you read all problems, hope, you will enjoy them :)

Good luck and have fun!

UPD1: 500-1000-1500-2000-2500

UPD2: tutorial

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