Hi everybody.
The VK Cup Round 3 is coming (exact time).
The duration will be longer than usual, likely 3 hours.
As usually in VK Cup, there will be three contests — div1, div2, official one. All of them are rated. Div1 and div2 versions are for individual participants, not for teams.
Setters are Radewoosh, Errichto and qwerty787788. I think that (some) problems are extremely interesting and I really wish I could participate. Thanks to GlebsHP and MikeMirzayanov, we wouldn't have a round without them. Also, thanks to AlexFetisov and winger for testing.
We will later inform about the final duration. Maybe we will inform about the number of problems and scoring.
I wish you great fun and no frustrating bugs. And Limak wishes you good luck!
- The contest will last 3 hours.
- ADJUSTED POINTS DROP — Points will decrease with such a speed that submitting a problem at the end would give you the same number of points as in standard 2-hour rounds.
- I updated testers above.
- Top50 in the "Div1 Edition" contest will get t-shirts. Have I already said "I wish I could participate"?
There are 9 problems. Div2 gets problems 1 - 6, and Div1+R3 gets 3 - 9. It means that there are 4 shared problems.
Division 2: 500 750 1000 1500 2250 3000
R3 & Div1: 500 1000 1750 2250 2250 3000 3000
Enjoy the editorial
The system testing is over. Congratulations to winners. Later I will try to put winners here in some nice format.
VK Round 3 | Div. 1 | Div. 2 |
1. subscriber, tourist | 1. Endagorion | 1. .o. |
2. eduardische, Alex_2oo8 | 2. eatmore | 2. Herzu |
3. riadwaw, Kostroma | 3. ikatanic | 3. co_farmer |
4. LHiC, V--o_o--V | 4. JoeyWheeler | 4. TDL9 |
5. KAN, vepifanov | 5. rowdark | 5. polingy |