By RussianCodeCup, history, 9 years ago, translation, In English


We are pleased to announce that in 2016 Russian Code Cup goes international! Problems will be available in two languages: Russian and English, everyone is welcome to participate!

Championship rules and time table will be announced next week, meanwhile we would like to invite you to take part in Warm Up round on Saturday, April 23, 18-00 Moscow Time (UTC+3). Register at and participate!

Good luck and see you at Russian Code Cup 2016!

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By Alex_2oo8, 9 years ago, translation, In English

Hello Codeforces!

The Final Round of CROC 2016 will be held today at 17:15 Moscow time, where the best 50 participants from the Elimination Round will be competing for the valueable prices, as well as for their personal entertainment.

Everyone else will be able to participate in Codeforces Round #347 tomorrow at 19:35 Moscow time that will feature an almost identical problem set. It is going to be a usual unrated round, separate for each division.

The problem set was prepared by Evgeny Vihrov (gen), the one and only coordinator of Codeforces Gleb Evstropov (GlebsHP) and me. I would also like to thank Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) and all of the Codeforces team for the incredible contest development system and Alexander Fetisov (AlexFetisov) for test-solving the problems.

During the Final Round the contest scoreboard will be linked here, but the problems themselves will be available only tomorrow.

We hope that you like our problems. Good luck to the finalists and to everyone else tomorrow!

UPD 1: The link to the current standings:

UPD 2: Codeforces Round #347 will be unrated.

UPD 3: Scoring:
Div 1: 500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2500 — 2500
Div 2: 500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 3000

UPD 4: Congratulations to the winners!

The Final Round of CROC 2016Codeforces Round #347 (Div 1)Codeforces Round #347 (Div 2)
  1. tourist
  2. vepifanov
  3. riadwaw
  4. PavelKunyavskiy
  5. Merkurev
  1. Petr
  2. ilyakor
  3. step5
  4. Endagorion
  5. gs12117
  1. unused
  2. Pakalns
  3. yao981113
  4. yeguanghao
  5. hzq84621

UPD 5: Editorial:

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By dalex, 9 years ago, translation, In English

Hello everyone,

Some days ago we had an annual programming contest in Samara, and yet again we copy it into Codeforces Gyms. The gym contest takes place on Sunday, 17 April, at 11:00 MSK. Site says that there are no intersections with something important that day.

Previously, it was a team contest, but this year we decided to make it personal. So we ask everyone to participate solo. This is how the results will be the most adequate.

And as usual,

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By Nickolas, 9 years ago, translation, In English

The contest is over; the editorial is available here.

The language of this round is J.

The traditional A+B program (A and B are written in one line and separated with space) looks as follows:

print =: 1!:2&2
read =: 1!:1[3

in =. (read-.LF)-.CR
print +/ ". in

exit ''

The main source of information about the language is Version used is J804.

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By Edvard, history, 9 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

Educational Codeforces Round 11 will take place on 8 april 2016 at 18:00 MSK for the first and the second divisions.

<The changes in the last paragraph>

The round will be unrated for all users and it will be held with extented ACM ICPC rules. You will have two hours to solve six problems. After that you will have one day to hack any solution you want. You will have access to copy any solution and test it locally.

If you have ideas for some problems or maybe already prepared problems that you can't use in rounds or official competitions, you can write to me.

It seems that it is harder to invent interesting simple problems (like A and B) than difficult ones. So don't be afraid to suggest interesting simple or very simple tasks (of course the difficult tasks are also needed). Please send only the problems for which you know the solution with clear statement (the story is not required). And also please add one or two samples to make the problem statement more clear.

</The changes in the last paragraph>

The problemset was suggested by Codeforces users. The problem А was suggested by Ali Ibrahim C137. The problem B was suggested by Srikanth Bhat bharsi. Mohammad Amin Raeisi Smaug sent the problem C. The problem D was suggested by Sadegh Mahdavi smahdavi4 a long ago. The problem E is the last (the fourth) problem suggested by Lewin Gan Lewin. The problem F is the last (if I'm not wrong the third) problem suggested by Kamil Debowski Errichto.

Thanks a lot to them and all others who are sending the problems! At this point I've checked all the problems sent to me (except maybe for the problems sent in last week). I hope that I've replied to all of you. I have a list with all problems sent to me, so be sure I don't forget about your problem.

The problems F was prepared by Kamil Debowski Errichto. Other problems was prepared by me (Edvard Davtyan). Thanks to Maria Belova Delinur for checking the English statements. The problems was tested by users suggested them, respectively: Ali Ibrahim C137, Srikanth Bhat bharsi, Mohammad Amin Raeisi Smaug, Sadegh Mahdavi smahdavi4, Lewin Gan Lewin and Kamil Debowski Errichto. Thanks a lot to all of them!

I hope you will enjoy the problems! I'm considering the possibility to copy the problem E with larger constraints as problem G. What do you think about that?

Good luck and have fun!

P.S.: The bus from the problem B.

UPD: The contest is finished. Congrats to tribute_to_Ukraine_2022 and uwi with the win and halyavin with 93 hacks! The editorial is ready.

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By MikeMirzayanov, history, 9 years ago, translation, In English


Last weeks I was concerned (and probably, you too) about abnormal rating growth of our leaders. Of course, first of all I'm talking about tourist, his rating is just rushed into the sky.

There were even comments from a series of "I told, and it happened"

After the first round of VK Cup 2016, I carefully investigated the reasons of such growth and found a simple and trivial bug in the rating formulas. It's funny that even after being published, nobody found it. Look at this function:

    private double getSeed(List<Contestant> contestants, Contestant contestant, int rating) {
        Contestant extraContestant = new Contestant(null, 0, 0, rating);
        double result = 1;
        for (Contestant other : contestants) {
            result += getEloWinProbability(other, extraContestant);
        return result;

Remind, this feature is to calculate the expected participant place, if its rating suddenly became equal to rating. Of course, it should not take account of the participant itself (to whom we currently assign new hypothetical rating). The correct code must be:

        for (Contestant other : contestants) {
            if (other != contestant) {
                result += getEloWinProbability(other, extraContestant);

This bug led to the fact that taking the first place tourist actually won a very serious opponent. Himself. This led to a significant increase in its rating, even if the first was quite expected.

The good news is that this bug has a statistically significant effect only in the very rare cases when the winner (or close to the winner) had a very high rating (yes, contrary to "anti-heroes" is also true). If we take an arbitrary round and recalculate the rating formulas corrected, almost all participants will receive exactly (or very close) rating.

After consulting with tourist and Petr, I came to the following plan of action:

  • Today we had chronologically recalculated all ratings from the revolution of 2015,
  • If difference between the change according to the corrected rating formulas and the historical change (according to formulas with a bug) is no more than 3, the historic change continued to be used,
  • If difference between the change according to the corrected rating formulas and the historical change (according to formulas with a bug) is more than 3, the change is replaced with the correct rating in history.

It turned out that this bug did not affect practically all users. Bug touched only the top. I apologize to those who had descended from heaven to earth — but it was impossible to leave it as is. I wish leaders to get those ratings that were before rating fix.


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By Nickolas, 9 years ago, translation, In English

The contest is over; I hope you've enjoyed it :-) Editorial is here. See you next year!

The fourth April Fools Day Contest will take place on Friday April 1st. This is a joke competition in which solving the problem is often easier than figuring out what the actual task is. Thanks to kit1980 and Codeforces team for their help in preparing problems.

In this round you'll be given 7 weird problems and 2 hours to solve them. The contest will use ACM ICPC rules (no hacks, the standings are decided by the number of solved problems and penalty time earned on them), and it will be unrated. You can submit solutions in any language allowed by Codeforces — well, unless the problem says otherwise ;-) To get an idea of what the contest will look like, you can check out the contests of the past years: 2012, 2013, 2014.

Be warned, to enjoy competing in this round you'll need a sense of humor compatible with mine! Good luck, and have fun!

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By IlyaLos, 9 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

I'd like to invite you to Codeforces Round #346 (Div. 2). It'll be held on Wednesday, March 30 at 16:05 (UTC) and as usual Div. 1 participants can join out of competition. Note that round starts in the unusual time! Also, the round itself will be unusual: there will be 7 problems for two and a half hours.

Me (IlyaLos), Edvard Davtyan (Edvard), Dan Sagunov (, Roman Glazov (Roms) and Vladimir Petrov (vovuh) prepared the tasks for this Round. Great thanks to Gleb Evstropov (GlebsHP) for helping us preparing the contest, to Maria Belova (Delinur) for translating the statements into English and to Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) for the great Polygon platform, for helping on preparing the contest and for ideas for some tasks.

The scoring distribution will be announced later. Good luck everyone!

UPD Score distribution: 500-1000-1000-1250-1500-2000-2500

UPD2 Competition completed! Thank you all! Editorial

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By Radewoosh, history, 9 years ago, In English

Hello everybody!

I'm glad to announce that Round 1 of VK Cup 2016 will take place this Monday, and me (Radewoosh) and Kamil Dębowski (Errichto) are the problemsetters!

There will be an official round for teams from VK cup, but if you are not eligible to participate in it, then you can compete (alone, not in team) in one of two additional editions (one for div.1 and one for div.2), so everybody is invited to take part in the competition! Just register in your category here. All three rounds will be rated. Div.1 and Div.2 editions will look like normal CF round, but will have common problems with official edition.

If you can't register before the round, then you will be able to do it during the contest (but not for the entire duration, you can cheсk it here). Let's thank Mike for this great feature!

We want to thank GlebsHP for help in preparing the problems and MikeMirzayanov because without him we wouldn't have such a great platform as Codeforces, where we all can train and develop our passion.

You will again help Limak, your favorite bear. This time it may be harder, because evil Radewoosh will try to disturb him.

We wish you good luck and great fun! Can't wait to see you during the contest! :D

UPD Scoring will be:

For VK: 500 — 750 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 3000

For Div.2: 500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 2500

For Div.1: 500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 3000

UPD Editorial is ready.

UPD Congratulations to the winners!

In official VK:

1.Never Lucky: subscriber and tourist
2.SobolevTeam: Seyaua and sdya
3.LNU Penguins: witua and RomaWhite
4.Dandelion: Um_nik and sivukhin
5.uıɟɟnɯ ɐuɐuɐq ǝɥʇ ɟo uɹnʇǝɹ╰(º o º╰): enot110 and romanandreev

In Div.1


And in Div.2


Also let's thank qwerty787788 and AlexFetisov for testing problems, without them it would be much harder to prepare contest, so give them an applause!

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Announcement of VK Cup 2016 - Round 1
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