Happy New Year!
The New Year is in a two-day distance from us and it's good time to summarize the ending year. In a nutshell, this year's been highly productive for the project. Codeforces has set up large championships, rounds followed one after another, we've launched the Codeforces::Gym project, we've added numerous improvements/fixes/innovations. Here's a short list of our deeds:
- when a user votes for a post/comment, his/her authority is taken into consideration, we've introduced anti-bot and froud-detection heuristics
- the Codeforces::Gym has been opened and has come through many improvements
- the Codeforces Markup, based on Markdown has been introduced, accompanied with special Codeforces tags
- Codeforces helped VK.com to carry out a amplitudinous VK Cup 2012 championship which had around 6000 participants!
- the CROC company has used the Codeforces company to carry out the Open Moscow City and Moscow Region Programming Championship, around 1500 participants!
- the ABBYY company has used the Codeforces platform to carry out the ABBYY Cup 2.0 championship, around 2000 participants!
- we've introduced attaching blog posts to contests as announces, tutorials etc.
- we've semiautomatically attached the tutorials for the past contests
- the Bayan company has used the Codeforces platform to carry out the sorting stage of Bayan Programming Contest 2012/13, more than 3000 participants!
- the CROC company has used the Codeforces platform to carry out the CROC Programming Championship among the Bauman MSTU, around 2000 participants!
- the testlib.h has come through numerous improvements
- we've supported new programming languages
- we've supported the dynamic problem complexity
- we've supported inserting photo albums from Picasa to posts
- we've supported interactive problems — despite the short wording, this point is hugely important
- the Polygon project has come through numerous improvements
- we've supported problems with the score in points and with partial solutions (for the marathon type contests)
And that's not the end! We are glad to demonstrate to you wonderful pictures with pleasing graphs and charts.