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Please, add V language compiler

Revision en2, by brachistochrone, 2022-04-18 20:18:33

There's an amazing language called V with 28.3K stars on Github. It compiles its compiler (~1M LOC) in under a second! Yet, so far, writing own projects in V and manually testing them seems the only way to master V.

Can it be used on Codeforces? As I found out, .v files can be compiled to .c files, meaning V can be translated to C.So I tried to compile a .v file to a .c file with v -o some_file.c some_file.v, but even the simplest code from v/examples produces 25K+ LOC in C. This makes the submission of the equivalent .c files impossible:( What a pity for such concise C-like language with even built-in maps and a VS code extension!

While looking through the compiler support on Codeforces, I noticed that some quite esoteric language are already there. That said, I'd like to ask MikeMirzayanov to be so kind as to add one more compiler, this time for V, to the list of available compilers. This will not only allow codeforcers to write expressive programs, but may also attract more attention to the language development!

Tags v_language, vlang, newlanguage, please


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en3 English brachistochrone 2022-04-21 07:40:29 374 Tiny change: 'pment!\n\nUPD 0: As the p' -> 'pment!\n\n**UPD 0**: As the p'
en2 English brachistochrone 2022-04-18 20:18:33 65
en1 English brachistochrone 2022-04-18 20:00:34 1297 Initial revision (published)