Notes 1: AtCoder ABC 133F

Revision en22, by NeoYL, 2023-12-14 08:57:58

This is my personal note and might be some kind of user editorial/learning material for some people!

This is the first episode of this "note" series. I will write notes on problems (normally around 2400-ish problems), which are completely solved by myself without looking at the editorial, that are both interesting and educational.

If you want to motivate me to write a continuation (aka note 2), a significant upvote from you would be well appreciated!

Problem link: ABC133F

Try to solve the task independently before continuing the blog.

Half solution

That reduces the problem to O(N2), lets optimize it!


This allows an O(NlogN) solution

AC code here

Feel free to ask anything about the task. I will try to respond them if I am free.

Tags tree, segment tree, weighted graph, counting


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en30 English NeoYL 2023-12-31 12:37:32 7
en29 English NeoYL 2023-12-14 19:34:13 18
en28 English NeoYL 2023-12-14 19:32:15 348
en27 English NeoYL 2023-12-14 19:26:45 17 Tiny change: '\n<spoiler> \n```cpp' -> '\n<spoiler summary="Code"> \n```cpp'
en26 English NeoYL 2023-12-14 19:26:18 5298
en25 English NeoYL 2023-12-14 17:59:14 5 Tiny change: 'timization">\nWe can' -> 'timization used">\nWe can'
en24 English NeoYL 2023-12-14 13:29:32 12 Tiny change: ' summary="Half solution"' -> ' summary="Incomplete solution"'
en23 English NeoYL 2023-12-14 08:58:57 215
en22 English NeoYL 2023-12-14 08:57:58 141 Tiny change: ' summary="$O(N^2)$ s' -> ' summary=" $O(N^2)$ s'
en21 English NeoYL 2023-12-13 13:27:55 15
en20 English NeoYL 2023-12-12 13:33:13 4
en19 English NeoYL 2023-12-12 09:13:23 2 Tiny change: 'ed to add +1 to each n' -> 'ed to add $+1$ to each n'
en18 English NeoYL 2023-12-12 05:48:22 2 Tiny change: 'round 2400 ish proble' -> 'round 2400-ish proble'
en17 English NeoYL 2023-12-12 04:44:37 8
en16 English NeoYL 2023-12-12 03:55:24 86
en15 English NeoYL 2023-12-12 03:47:05 36 Tiny change: 'n problems, which ar' -> 'n problems (normally around 2300 ish problems), which ar'
en14 English NeoYL 2023-12-12 03:46:04 16
en13 English NeoYL 2023-12-12 03:45:29 20 Tiny change: 'note 2), an upvote would be ' -> 'note 2), a significant upvote from you would be '
en12 English NeoYL 2023-12-12 03:42:52 160
en11 English NeoYL 2023-12-12 03:38:43 22
en10 English NeoYL 2023-12-12 03:37:41 324
en9 English NeoYL 2023-12-11 19:35:45 4 Tiny change: 'at a point $p$. What do ' -> 'at a point. What do '
en8 English NeoYL 2023-12-11 19:34:44 19 Tiny change: 'e able to continue from here' -> 'e able to solve the problem from here'
en7 English NeoYL 2023-12-11 19:27:44 64
en6 English NeoYL 2023-12-11 19:26:56 40 Tiny change: 'e set.\n\n[AC co' -> 'e set.\n\nThis allows an $O(N log N)$ solution\n\n[AC co'
en5 English NeoYL 2023-12-11 19:26:07 20 Tiny change: 'n the path.\n\nNow' -> 'n the path * new weight length.\n\nNow'
en4 English NeoYL 2023-12-11 19:25:11 262
en3 English NeoYL 2023-12-11 19:23:21 8421 (published)
en2 English NeoYL 2023-12-11 19:07:37 7364
en1 English NeoYL 2023-12-11 19:00:00 1500 Initial revision (saved to drafts)