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Who's going to IIOT 2024?

Revision en5, by Abito, 2024-04-30 21:38:57

Hello! IIOT is an olympiad for teams of 4. It's going to be in Syria this year on May 10th. My team will be there onsite (unofficial participation though):


Other Syrian teams:

Haidora + 3 (unofficial)

NeroZeinhocln3laaM_sawas Official

edogawa_somethingaminshYazanAlattarBash. Official

If you know other participating teams please share!

Contest website


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en7 English Abito 2024-05-01 09:09:53 163
en6 English Abito 2024-04-30 21:39:30 1 Tiny change: 'er:m_sawas,2024-04-3' -> 'er:m_sawas_,2024-04-3'
en5 English Abito 2024-04-30 21:38:57 71 Tiny change: ':m_sawas] (official)\n\n[user:' -> ':m_sawas] Official\n\n[user:'
en4 English Abito 2024-04-30 21:31:30 4 Tiny change: 'n teams:\n[user:Ha' -> 'n teams:\n\n\n[user:Ha'
en3 English Abito 2024-04-30 21:31:09 301 Tiny change: '] - [user:bash.] (off' -> '] - [user:Bash.] (off'
en2 English Abito 2024-04-30 14:29:24 41 Tiny change: 'ase share!' -> 'ase share!\n\n[Contest website](http://iiot2024.sy)'
en1 English Abito 2024-04-30 14:28:45 368 Initial revision (published)