Codeforces Round 987 (Div. 2) Editorial

Revision en6, by ACGN, 2024-11-15 19:56:58

UPD: We strongly apologize for the slow arrival of the implementation; I thought that our implementations will be available immediately after system testing, which was not the case. Once again, sorry for the delay. All the submissions links have been updated with viewable ones.

A little backstory about the round (ACGN)

2031A - Penchick and Modern Monument

Idea: pwned
Preparation: HappyPacMan

Hint 1
Hint 2

2031B - Penchick and Satay Sticks

Idea: ACGN
Preparation: HappyPacMan

Hint 1
Hint 2

2031C - Penchick and BBQ Buns

Idea & preparation: ACGN

Hint 1
Hint 2

2031D - Penchick and Desert Rabbit

Idea: AverageDiv1Enjoyer
Preparation: HappyPacMan

Hint 1
Hint 2

2031E - Penchick and Chloe's Trees

Idea & preparation: ACGN

Hint 1
Hint 2
About Problem E

2031F - Penchick and Even Medians

Idea: trunkty
Solution & preparation: maomao90

Hint 1
Hint 2
Solution 1
Solution 2
Solution 3

Round statistics

Fastest submission among all participants, and among rated participants:
A: tourist at 00:00:43, priyanshu.p at 00:00:56
B: tourist at 00:01:57, arnabmanna at 00:02:10
C: arvindf232 at 00:06:22, boboquack at 00:11:42
D: _Duck_Dot_Dot_Happy at 00:10:50
E: fzx at 00:11:27, Jack.YT at 00:20:38
F: peti1234 at 00:34:01, waiting_for_the_sunset at 00:54:34

More round statistics to be updated!

That's it for this round, and we hope you had fun with all the problems!

A few serious words from ACGN - about problemsetting, MathForces, and more
and from my own heart...


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en10 English ACGN 2024-11-19 05:39:16 0 Tiny change: '\n\n<spoiler' -> '\n<spoiler' (published)
en9 English ACGN 2024-11-19 05:39:05 165 (saved to drafts)
en8 English ACGN 2024-11-18 02:31:33 1 Tiny change: '\n<spoiler s' -> '<spoiler s'
en7 English pwned 2024-11-16 01:28:03 453
en6 English ACGN 2024-11-15 19:56:58 471
en5 English ACGN 2024-11-15 19:41:41 165
en4 English ACGN 2024-11-15 18:30:22 2
en3 English ACGN 2024-11-15 17:39:28 4
en2 English ACGN 2024-11-15 17:35:32 1 Tiny change: '\n\n<spoiler' -> '\n<spoiler'
en1 English ACGN 2024-11-15 17:35:09 24771 pwned,maomao90,HappyPacMan,trunkty,AverageDiv1Enjoyer (published)