How could we receive USDT in TON network?

Revision en1, by lexiyvv, 2024-12-03 18:18:01

The system message about CodeTON Round 9 said:

We are pleased to inform about your award for "CodeTON Round 9". The first 255 participants will receive prizes in USDT cryptocurrency in the TON network. Congratulations!

Please provide your TON wallet address by link: Please be careful when filling in.

The deadline is 23:59 December 8, 2024 (UTC). If you don't do this, then, unfortunately, we won't be able to transfer the prize to you.

Join the TON, then register a wallet, follow one of these links: or

It's said that I would receive prizes in USDT, and recommended two wallets. The two wallets are the same as which mentioned in previous round messages.

I was using to receive prizes for previous round. But as far as I know this wallet is just for TON and doesn't support USDT.

I have little knowledge in cryptocurrency. So here I kindly ask how can we receive our prizes.

The TON foundation team, please tell whether I should change a wallet, or the original would work. If yes, then please post a tutorial on how should we change to a new wallet, as the prizes isn't a small number.

Tags codeton round 9, ton, prizes


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English lexiyvv 2024-12-03 18:18:01 1289 Initial revision (published)