How to stop getting down votes ??

Revision en1, by not_working9, 2019-07-24 07:03:35

Why i get so many downvotes ,where ever i write comment .even though they are related to studies not a meme or something. Even i stopped posting my silly doubts , how can i remove ,all those downvotes from my account . Or should i delete this account and start from the beggining again,if so how ?

My contribution is -46 ,presently ,so i changed all my personal details as false .


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English not_working9 2019-07-24 08:29:43 10
en3 English not_working9 2019-07-24 08:22:02 368
en2 English not_working9 2019-07-24 08:00:08 47 Tiny change: 'resently ,so i changed all my personal details as false .' -> 'resently ,'
en1 English not_working9 2019-07-24 07:03:35 421 Initial revision (published)