**My Approach:- ** At first,I've created a maximum spanning tree from the given data using kruskal algorithmn, Again , i had found the shortest path from 1 to n and take the minimum edge weight which would be our ans as obvious. Everthing worked fine but getting Time Limit Exceeded(TLE). Please correct me if I am wrong in any of my approach
My code:- ~~~~~
using namespace std;
define endl "\n"
define FIO ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);
define ll long long
define vi vector
define pb push_back
define F first
define S second
define all(v) (v).begin(),(v).end()
define pii pair<ll,ll>
define vii vector
ll find_set(ll x,vi& parent) { if(parent[x]==-1)return x;
return find_set(parent[x],parent);
// union_set
void union_set(ll x,ll y,vi& parent) { ll xroot=find_set(x,parent),yroot=find_set(y,parent); if(xroot!=yroot) parent[yroot]=xroot; }
signed main() { FIO; ll t; cin>>t; while(t--){ ll n,m; cin>>n>>m;
vector<pii> adj[n]; vi parent(n,-1); vector<pair<ll,pii>> edge; for(ll i=0;i<m;i++) { ll a,b,c; cin>>a>>b>>c;a--;b--; edge.pb({c,{a,b}}); } // Maximum Spanning Tree sort(edge.rbegin(),edge.rend()); for(ll i=0;i<m;i++) { ll x=find_set(edge[i].S.F,parent),y=find_set(edge[i].S.S,parent); if(x!=y) { union_set(x,y,parent); adj[edge[i].S.F].pb({edge[i].S.S,edge[i].F}); adj[edge[i].S.S].pb({edge[i].S.F,edge[i].F}); } } if(find_set(0,parent)!=find_set(n-1,parent)) cout<<"-1\n"; else { queue<pii> q;vector<bool> visited(n,false); q.push({0,LONG_LONG_MAX}); visited[0]=true; while(!q.empty()) { ll v=q.front().F,val=q.front().S; q.pop(); for(ll u=0;u<adj[v].size();u++) { if(!visited[adj[v][u].F]) { visited[adj[v][u].F]=true; q.push({adj[v][u].F,min(val,adj[v][u].S)}); if(adj[v][u].F==n-1) { cout<<min(val,adj[v][u].S)<<"\n"; goto h; } } } } h:; } }
} ~~~~~
Need Help..I am getting TLE on test 15 and can't figure out how can I make it faster. Any help would be appreciated.