Meta Hacker Cup Shirts
Hacker Cup shirts are back this year! If you placed in the top 2000 of Round 2, you'll have a shirt available on your Hacker Cup Profile page. If you placed in the top 200 of Round 3, you'll win a shirt with a top-200 badge on the sleeve, instead of the normal shirt.
You must claim your shirt by December 13th. We will not be shipping shirts after the 13th.
Due to regulations, Meta is also not able to support prize shipments to the following countries at this time:
Shirts shipped to addresses in the United States should be delivered within 1 week of being claimed. Shirts delivered to addresses outside the United States may take up to 3 weeks to be delivered.
Links to track your shipment can be found on your profile page once your shirt is shipped. Please note that you must have to claim your shirt from our vendor's website using the code in your profile. Their website looks like this:
Update: According to fedex, if you are from India, you must complete the KYC submission process on at the earliest failing which these shipments may be returned to the shipper or disposed as deemed appropriate as per local guidelines.
Same design as last year?
Similar, but this color is dark grey instead of black
Apple every year be like:
I think you can make your logo better
How to know the exact numbers for each size ?
Did you find anything helful regarding this?
Some friend sent to me this: link
This photo for last year sizes but idk if these sizes are same as this year or not.
I write wrong phone number in shipping website , can i update it ? SecondThread
"If you need a size exchange, update your shipping address, or have any questions, please email and use the subject heading "Hacker Cup 2024 — Shirt Order Confirmation #xxxxx". Please allow 2-3 business days for a reply to account for time differences as we're based in California, USA."
Thanks! Are you sure this is the contact mail?
As I chose the wrong country in address and need it be fixed before shipping starts.
SecondThread I haven't got any reply on the mail I had sent to metaswag. Can you help ?
Hey Scorpio ,do you know what is the size measurement of the t-shirt ?
No, but I assume Medium would fit me. Leetcode medium shirt fitted well for me. I think same standards as both companies are US-based.
I just copy pasted the text that they showed after i confirmed my order. That's why i used the quotes.
I was hoping for the designs to be different from last year's. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, it's finally here. Thanks!
Is the Top 200 T-shirt different from Top 2000 T-shirt just about the number was written on the arm ?
Thank you if you reply
Is there any t-shirt size charts that we can take a look at for more info ?
The vendor website doesn't open for me. I'm getting an error that the website can't be reached. Is anyone else facing the same issue?
Turned out to be a problem in my internet network. I tried to open it with a VPN and it worked.
same, my internet provider blocked the website as phishing website
Thanks for the tshirt !!!
I don't see Kazakhstan in the list of delivery countries. Is it an error?
Kazakhstan is on the list now
Can you share the measurement chart pls? :)
paisen bhai ?
Hey, why are you not shipping to Ukraine? Ukraine is served by FedEx and shipping is allowed under the US law, so I don't see any reasons not to.
I believe FedEx wouldn’t ship from the US to Ukraine when the country list was compiled. I’m not sure if that has changed since. If so, our distributor’s website should be updated to reflect that.
hello,how are you all.
Can I have this year's chart size for t-shirt please SecondThread ?
Tunisia is not included in the delivery list, can you add it
SecondThread I think there might be a bug in the form menu. I used tab to navigate to the next option, but it triggered submit instead. Now they confirmed it with an incomplete delivery information.
Country Armenia is not available, please fix it :)
@SecondThread: I haven't received notification about T-shirt prize like in previous years (but was able to order it after finding this thread).
Did something change? (or did Gmail block the intended email for me?)
Likewise, I've been waiting for an email for the past several weeks and only decided to ask a friend today, who said to check my MHC profile. I redeemed my code as a Hail Mary and am praying for the best…
update: orz, no way, Mary got hailed and I quickly received my shirt two days after I commented :D
Can we please get a size chart for the T shirt?
For anyone else who wants to know, I asked the support email and they sent me this:
Thank you! FedEx delivered in 2 days.
Hey , did they delivered it before schedule delivery date or on schedule date ?
On date but it's not international delivery
You are in us,right?
Anyone interested in buying this years Meta Hackercup t shirt, I already have last 2 years t shirts. So this time I was thinking to sell it. If anyone interested in buying can contact me in my dm. We can negotiate the price in my chat thanks. Also note that t-shirts are only given to top 2000 rankers.
Thank you, just received it.
I wanted to know how plagiarism checks work in Hacker Cup. I know a couple of people who have submitted wrong codes (but correct output from their friends) and have all their submissions marked as correct as of now. They are also set to receive a t-shirt as far as I know. Their downloadable submission also does not even show a correct answer for the initial test cases!!
Thanks for the otherwise wonderful contest!
When I click on the link that redirects to the third party vendor, it tells me that this site can't be reached. Some of my friends had this issue as well. What should be done?
VPN. Take care while filling details. This vendor website is too weird. I put a US address with zip code and I found country set to EG later.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by SecondThread (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Update: According to fedex, if you are from India, you must complete the KYC submission process on at the earliest failing which these shipments may be returned to the shipper or disposed as deemed appropriate as per local guidelines.
Hi, Fedex is asking for air waybill (Tracking) number but my T-shirt as hasn't shipped yet and so I don't have one could you please tell me what I should do?
Email and they should be able to help with any shipping questions.
For me i received a call from FedEx and they asked about my E-Mail first and sent the custom clearance details along with AIR waybill number in that. After 4 days i got the parcel.
Hi I am Ashish Kumar, I have encountered a big problem in receiving my Hacker cup t shirt. My shipment has been on hold for 5 days because an empty package was received at the customs clearance. The estimated date to receive it was 30 Nov but today upon contacting FedEx I found out that the facility had received an empty package due to which it was not moving forward. I am deeply concerned. Please send me a new package. My kyc has been completed.
Tracking Link:
Clearly it can be seen that there has been a problem at Memphis, TN. Please help me and provide me some clarification as soon as possible.
Please email for questions about shipping--they are the ones actually shipping the shirt. Thanks!
SecondThread, FedEx is asking for air waybill(tracking number) for KYC but I didn't get any tracking number from their side of my order.
Please email for questions about shipping--they are the ones actually shipping the shirt. Thanks!
Feels weird that there are no "official" reminder to claim T-shirts from Meta....
Just remembered today its time to order T-shirts and got "WARNING: Only 0 stocked items are available of the following product" Sent email to hope to get it resolved before deadline.
Missed deadline in 2023 as well...
Very confused.... Still no T-shirts and tomorrow is deadline. Even asked if I can get regular one instead of top-200 just to get something and got rejected.
The 0 stocked items warning is a symptom of our predicted size distribution not perfectly matching what people actually ordered. Once the deadline to order more has closed, we'll print the rest that we need, and ship those out.
Despite the warning, were you at least able to place your order successfully?
No. System didn't let me put an order without any items and support from keeps ignoring my questions.
Up to 2022 there was a remainder e-mail to claim the t-shirts, but there were no remainders for last 2 years, and I missed the deadline this time :(
SecondThread I am from India, completed the KYC as well, but the tracking link says that the order has been cancelled. Please guide if any steps can be taken from here.
It happens to me too.Order gets cancelled because they did not recognize your address in their server.So,mail them and change the address that can be recognize at google maps/their server.
For KYC shipping questions, you'll have to contact for shipping info.
It seems like a scam on Meta's side.
1) The shirts and all information you need to claim them are available on the Hacker Cup site on your profile, as they have been all previous years. We additionally announced claiming information for this year this during the finals live stream on the Meta Hacker Cup Facebook page.
2) The window to order them was in effect over a month. We want people to get them in a timely manner, so we need to close up the orders and print any sizes we were missing.
3) Why are they not automatically sent to people? We don't collect and maintain everyone's addresses. Even if we did, college students especially frequently move. With 2000 prize winners, frequently someone's preferred address in August is different from what it is in December. The system we use here is essentially the same system that Google Code Jam used.
1) That’s not true. Only the code to claim T-shirt is there, but there were 0 notification or information about when T-shirts will be available.
2) That’s not true. From the history of your post it was open for 2-3 weeks. When I checked after the contest it was not available. So I expected some kind of notification.
3) That’s not true. I have never needed to order T-shirts for code jam. They just asked to ensure that the address on your profile is correct.
Since you switched to this stupid system I missed T-shirt for 2 out of 3 times, I just have useless codes on my profile. In 15 years I have never did not receive hard earned T-shirt from Code Jam.
Stop necroposting, clownboy. Go do some real shit already.
It’s a serious conversation which will help to improve the organisation of the competition as the current state is not acceptable.
You are f*cking green, get to the div 4 first before telling other people to do real stuff.
R u blind? I'm red on my main account.
How would I know if you don’t post from the red account? So for sure not true green
Meta knows everything. If you know that meta scams people then you also know everything. So you should've known that I'm red.
I know that you are green, and could not even get to div 4
Looks like you are using some sort of caesar cipher where "green" = "red", "could not" = "can easily", "4" = "0". I'm such a genius to decipher your message!
No wonder you are green with such skills
Yes, no wonder that I'm red with such skills!
SecondThread So there is no way Meta will make this right and re-open order window and send everyone an email saying that people who won a T-shirt can order it now?
I was also waiting for an email just like the last three years that I have participated and gotten a t-shirt. I didn't even knew one can order from profile page as I have always done so from the email link. This year as well I kept waiting for an email and finally today decided to check whats going on and saw this. This is definitely disheartening to see. I will like to request you to reopen the ordering, as I believe there will be many people like me who waited for an email and missed it. But I understand if its not possible.
Lol, just noticed I have completely missed to as well -- I agree that it'd be cool that at least an email remainder, or a Facebook notification, or anything similar could be sent. I don't know how else would I be able to find that they are up for grabs, if not checking the CF regularly.