Hi, I have created a [SimpleOJ](http://https://github.com/ah-naf/SimpleOJ-with-C-Python-Compiler-MERN-Project-) using MERN stack.↵
Currently it has the following festures:↵
- Google Authentication↵
- User can add,edit and delete problem ↵
- User can submit problem and can also run code without login↵
- It supports only C/C++ and python language↵
- User can view past submission and download the code.↵
I dont know how to properly calculate the time limit + memory and dont have idea how the contest feature run so didnt include it.↵
Any feedback or advice will be helpful.↵
Thank you
Currently it has the following festures:↵
- Google Authentication↵
- User can add,edit and delete problem ↵
- User can submit problem and can also run code without login↵
- It supports only C/C++ and python language↵
- User can view past submission and download the code.↵
I dont know how to properly calculate the time limit + memory and dont have idea how the contest feature run so didnt include it.↵
Any feedback or advice will be helpful.↵
Thank you