A Step-by-step Guide to Configure Topcoder Competitive Environment
Difference between en29 and en30, changed 0 character(s)
<h3><b>Step 1: Get a Topcoder account if you don't already have one.</b></h3>↵

Address: http://www.topcoder.com/talent/↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/3d/4b/3d4b2c0adc4d14af81a96fd61ca41e5836a5e1fb.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

Click on the "JOIN TOPCODER" button, and fill in the form to register.↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/00/7f/007f49a53c95b30b66ba6bdd76453256665b35cb.png↵
" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

<h3><b>Step 2: Download and install Java Runtime Environment.</b></h3>↵

Address: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp↵

<h3><b>Step 3: Download the topcoder applet.</b></h3>↵

Address: https://www.topcoder.com/contest/arena/ContestAppletProd.jnlp↵

I strongly recommend you to put the above jnlp into the same folder of executable file "javaws" (Java Web Start Luncher).↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/65/c4/65c4d4e5471e3ca6f9ca812f946f885cf2a35815.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

<h3><b>Step 4: Configure Java. </b></h3>↵

If you open the above jnlp directly from javaws, you will get the following error:↵

<img alt=" " src="https://images.ctfassets.net/piwi0eufbb2g/78KiAR7o4p2VJQmZfxPvTj/de5da12058ebeb4b12ce835d401062b6/Screen_Shot_2022-01-24_at_2.11.28_PM.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

To solve this problem, open the Java Control Panel. For Windows users you can find it in Start Menu / Java / Configure Java.↵

For other operating systems, see https://www.topcoder.com/thrive/articles/installing-topcoders-vintage-arena for more information.↵

Click the "Security" tab, set the security level to "High", and then add the following six addresses to the list of exception sites.↵

<pre style = "color:blue">↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/e9/ef/e9ef1adc5c329e107b07da73062971e95cb10617.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

<h3><b>Step 5: Login to the Topcoder Competitive Arena.</b></h3>↵

Use the command line "javaws -wait ContestAppletProd.jnlp" to open the jnlp file. This time you may get a warning, just press continue to move on.↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/9b/9d/9b9d60092c7c9650fd214aace6cc2637de719537.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

It's recommended to use the "AUTO DETECT" button to automatically check the connection type. Use your account and password to login.↵

<h3><b>Step 6: Download the plugin files.</b></h3>↵

Download these three jar files and put them in a folder.↵


<h3><b>Step 7: Configure the plugin in the applet.</b></h3>↵

In the applet, click on the "Options" tab and click on "Editor". ↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/84/a5/84a535ed3853f1a0d01ae95956630d3dab49aaef.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

Click "Add". Fill in the form with the following (note that the following information is case sensitive):↵

Name: tangentz.TZTester↵
EntryPoint: codeprocessor.EntryPoint↵

Click "Browse" and add the link to the three jar files in the ClassPath. (After selecting the files, just press on the button on the left).↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/07/87/07876393cc59d618efde16cab4b879688d2491cf.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

Click "OK" to save the above changes. Then press "Configure". Fill in the form with the following (note that the following information is also case sensitive):↵

Editor EntryPoint: fileedit.EntryPoint↵
Processor class: tangentz.TZTester↵

Click the "Verify" button, you should see the following information:↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/cb/94/cb946846da6fecef64047308d4b94fcc4db2d45b.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

Press "Configure" , "General Tab":↵

In the first line, enter the directory where you want to put the problem statement file and the automatically generated program file.↵

It's recommended that you use the following configuration:↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/bf/93/bf939ba4f03be9854c05219a5520050d002d45fb.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

Then click on the "Code Template" tab. For C++ users, paste the following into the code template:↵

class $CLASSNAME${↵
} ↵
int main(){↵
$CLASSNAME$ ___test;↵
___test.run_test(-1); ↵

Your own code library can be placed before the first line of the above code snippet. For example:↵

using namespace std;↵
class $CLASSNAME${↵
} ↵
int main(){↵
$CLASSNAME$ ___test;↵
___test.run_test(-1); ↵

Then click "Save", then "Close".↵

Then click "Save", then "Close" (the second time).↵

Then click "Save", then "Close" (the third time).↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/1e/59/1e5927a64d29c0ebc64dacb51df9a7caf9c25dde.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

<h3><b>Step 8: Open any problem in Practise room to check!</b></h3>↵

After opening the problem, you should get a html file with problem description:↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/54/3d/543d9979290f6ce3232eb742819e96144a2d6112.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

... as well as an automatically generated program.↵

After writing, compiling and running the program, you should get the following response locally:↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/43/69/4369e703939617beec15977181674420d1726718.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

Or if your program is incorrect:↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/a9/7a/a97af3249bb410acdb22d68efe7210fb5c937279.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

To test your program online, you must compile your source code first (online compiling is done by click the "compile" button). you can use the "Batch Test" button:↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/a2/af/a2af535fe9522b5cbd350c477f9f93a9aa6a6cc4.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

If your program passes the examples, the following should be displayed:↵

<img alt=" " src="/predownloaded/4b/e2/4be20cb07c20c49042e514386373610caa614f32.png" style="max-width: 100.0%;max-height: 100.0%;" /></p>↵

Note that "Correct example" (not just "Success") should be "True".


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en34 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 16:36:20 6
en33 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 16:35:41 170
en32 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 16:34:19 28
en31 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 16:33:25 28
en30 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:54:05 0 (published)
en29 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:53:34 137
en28 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:52:35 147
en27 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:49:27 137
en26 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:48:43 185
en25 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:45:17 147
en24 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:41:28 137
en23 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:40:28 141
en22 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:36:00 210
en21 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:30:44 214
en20 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:27:20 145
en19 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:21:28 128
en18 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:19:28 141
en17 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:17:20 123
en16 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:16:16 253
en15 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:11:12 137
en14 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:09:51 40
en13 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:07:08 10 Tiny change: '\n#include<bits/stdc++.h>\nusing na' -> '\n#include&lt;bits/stdc++.h&gt;\nusing na'
en12 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:06:23 672
en11 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:05:27 39
en10 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:04:34 219
en9 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:03:54 143
en8 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:01:59 56
en7 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 10:01:14 84
en6 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 09:59:21 98
en5 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 09:57:33 144
en4 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 09:54:11 34
en3 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 09:52:57 444
en2 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 09:51:38 470
en1 English lucyanna2018 2023-12-07 09:44:12 4369 Initial revision (saved to drafts)