Hello guys!↵
We gladly invite everyone to participate in International Online Programming Contest (IOPC), 2016, organized by Techkriti, IIT Kanpur. The problem setters and testers are FacelessMen ([user:alecsyde,2016-03-11], [user:sahilgrover,2016-03-11], [user:abhilak,2016-03-11]) and AKS++([user:TerryMcGinnis,2016-03-11], [user:webmail,2016-03-11], [user:freaken,2016-03-11]). This is our first time setting a contest and we have tried our best to make an interesting problemset. The contest will be 24 hours in duration and you can see when the contest starts in your timezone [here](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=IOPC+2016&iso=20160312T18&p1=539). It is a team contest. It starts tomorrow, 12th March at 6 PM(IST).↵
Total amount of prizes at stake here are 120,000 INR (1750 USD). The distribution will be 50% to the 1st position, 30% to the second position and 20% to the 3rd position. The registration link for the contest is hosted [here](https://www.codechef.com/teams/register/IOPC2016). The theme of the contest will be Batman V Superman.↵
Edit : Delayed by 1 hour, to 12th March at 6 PM(IST).
We gladly invite everyone to participate in International Online Programming Contest (IOPC), 2016, organized by Techkriti, IIT Kanpur. The problem setters and testers are FacelessMen ([user:alecsyde,2016-03-11], [user:sahilgrover,2016-03-11], [user:abhilak,2016-03-11]) and AKS++([user:TerryMcGinnis,2016-03-11], [user:webmail,2016-03-11], [user:freaken,2016-03-11]). This is our first time setting a contest and we have tried our best to make an interesting problemset. The contest will be 24 hours in duration and you can see when the contest starts in your timezone [here](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=IOPC+2016&iso=20160312T18&p1=539). It is a team contest. It starts tomorrow, 12th March at 6 PM(IST).↵
Total amount of prizes at stake here are 120,000 INR (1750 USD). The distribution will be 50% to the 1st position, 30% to the second position and 20% to the 3rd position. The registration link for the contest is hosted [here](https://www.codechef.com/teams/register/IOPC2016). The theme of the contest will be Batman V Superman.↵
Edit : Delayed by 1 hour, to 12th March at 6 PM(IST).