Nothing is well understood unless we can apply it to solve some problems. Currently, I am learning number theory and there is no good classified list of problems for number theory. So, It is difficult to find some problem based on a specific topic.↵
Here I will maintain a list of problems of number theory in a few category. So, In near future, nobody have to face the same problem. Contribute interesting problems, people(mostly me :D ) will be grateful to you.↵
**1. Divisibility/Primes/Co-prime/GCD/LCM** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1014](, [1035]( ↵
2. **_CF_:** [230B](, [711E](,↵
[585E](, [585C](, [222C](, [546D](, [GYM101212B]( ↵
3. **_SPOJ_:** [LCMSUMH]( ↵
4. **_E-OLYMP_:** [1146](, [1243](, [1147](, [1229](, [1244](, [1230]( ↵
**2. Continued Fraction** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_UVA_:** [834]( ↵
2. **_HackerRank_:** [euler064]( ↵
**3. Diophantine Equations** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1077]( ↵
2. **_CF_:** [7C](↵
**4. Functions: Counting Divisors/Divisor Sum** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1054]( ↵
2. **_UVA_:** [13083](↵
**5. Function: Totient and Similar** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1007]( ↵
2. **_SPOJ_:** [NFACTOR]( , [NDIV](↵
**6. Modular Arithmetic/CRT** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1067]( ↵
2. **_CF_:** [687B](, [GYM100825A](↵
**7. Discrete Logarithms** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1325](↵
**8. Number Systems** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1028]( ↵
2. **_E-OLYMP_:** [1001](, [1002](, [1008](, [1013]( ↵
**9. Primitive Root** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_E-OLYMP_:** [647]( ↵
**NB:** This list is just created. And hopefully will grow with user contribution and as I learn. Thanks for being a part of it. :)↵
**Contributors:** ↵
[user:_Asb_,2017-01-02], [user:Rudy69,2017-01-02], [user:Lucas_97,2017-01-04], [user:Sa1378,2017-01-06], [user:SuryanshT,2017-01-08], [user:MladenP,2017-01-08], [user:TooNewbie,2018-07-14]
Here I will maintain a list of problems of number theory in a few category. So, In near future, nobody have to face the same problem. Contribute interesting problems, people(mostly me :D ) will be grateful to you.↵
**1. Divisibility/Primes/Co-prime/GCD/LCM** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1014](, [1035]( ↵
2. **_CF_:** [230B](, [711E](,↵
[585E](, [585C](, [222C](, [546D](, [GYM101212B]( ↵
3. **_SPOJ_:** [LCMSUMH]( ↵
4. **_E-OLYMP_:** [1146](, [1243](, [1147](, [1229](, [1244](, [1230]( ↵
**2. Continued Fraction** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_UVA_:** [834]( ↵
2. **_HackerRank_:** [euler064]( ↵
**3. Diophantine Equations** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1077]( ↵
2. **_CF_:** [7C](↵
**4. Functions: Counting Divisors/Divisor Sum** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1054]( ↵
2. **_UVA_:** [13083](↵
**5. Function: Totient and Similar** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1007]( ↵
2. **_SPOJ_:** [NFACTOR]( , [NDIV](↵
**6. Modular Arithmetic/CRT** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1067]( ↵
2. **_CF_:** [687B](, [GYM100825A](↵
**7. Discrete Logarithms** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1325](↵
**8. Number Systems** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_LOJ_:** [1028]( ↵
2. **_E-OLYMP_:** [1001](, [1002](, [1008](, [1013]( ↵
**9. Primitive Root** ↵
_Problems:_ ↵
1. **_E-OLYMP_:** [647]( ↵
**NB:** This list is just created. And hopefully will grow with user contribution and as I learn. Thanks for being a part of it. :)↵
**Contributors:** ↵
[user:_Asb_,2017-01-02], [user:Rudy69,2017-01-02], [user:Lucas_97,2017-01-04], [user:Sa1378,2017-01-06], [user:SuryanshT,2017-01-08], [user:MladenP,2017-01-08], [user:TooNewbie,2018-07-14]