On [this](http://mirror.codeforces.com/gym/100685/problem/J) problem I was trying to debug my code. Since it was an interactive problem I wanted to check if I was making less than the total amount of legal queries, and for that I checked if the number of queries was >= a number a little less than the limit and used an assert(false) in case I had too many queries. I kept getting WA. After further investigation I noticed that this WA was actually supposed to be a RE, so I changed the assert(false) for a while(1) and got a TLE. Codes: [here](http://mirror.codeforces.com/gym/100685/submission/44887556) and [here](http://mirror.codeforces.com/gym/100685/submission/44887563) (code not rly relevant, if you can't see it). Why did I not get a RE with the assert and got a wrong answer instead? The problem being interactive changes anything in this case?