Hello Codeforces. Tomorrow begins the CIIC 2020 (Ibero-American Contest in Informatics); it is the regional competition for [Ibero-American Countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization_of_Ibero-American_States), similar to CEOI, but it is online. I just want to know which are the contestants from each participating country.↵
I think these are the ones going from Cuba (this is unofficially):↵
- [user:humbertoyusta,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:Leonardo16,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:MDario123,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:albertolg101,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:Ernest0_0Abreu,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:eblabrada_,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:dmesadiaz,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:vextroyer,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:arciel,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:pedropap,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:danielarrom,2020-09-04]↵
**UPD**: This is the ranking of countries (sorry for bad quality of image).↵
![ ](/predownloaded/ec/a1/eca1ee9e4ac832e51794ef1f67362122d325a6b0.jpeg)↵
I think these are the ones going from Cuba (this is unofficially):↵
- [user:humbertoyusta,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:Leonardo16,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:MDario123,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:albertolg101,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:Ernest0_0Abreu,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:eblabrada_,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:dmesadiaz,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:vextroyer,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:arciel,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:pedropap,2020-09-04]↵
- [user:danielarrom,2020-09-04]↵
**UPD**: This is the ranking of countries (sorry for bad quality of image).↵
![ ](/predownloaded/ec/a1/eca1ee9e4ac832e51794ef1f67362122d325a6b0.jpeg)↵