Hi everyone,↵
April Fools is near and as usual we have an [April Fools Day Contest](https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/88840) on Codeforces this year. In addition to that, I usually try to host some form of mini April Fools Contest for my friends every year (or almost every year). ↵
This year, I am trying to host a bigger April Fools Day contest than usual and I invite everyone to participate! In view of the April Fools contest on Codeforces, the round will begin at [31 March 10pm (GMT+8)](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=April+Fools+Day+Contest+2021+%28ZS%29&iso=20210331T22&p1=122) and lasts for exactly $24$ hours (and thus it will end ~35 minutes before the CF April Fools round). ↵
The contest will consist of several unusual tasks, and I hope that everyone will at least find something interesting. The problems will not be sorted by increasing order of difficulty (if the word difficulty is even applicable), so it is **highly advisable** to read (and try!) all tasks. This round is **not** an offical Codeforces round and thus is obviously **unrated**.↵
There is a Discord server for this contest (you can join it using [this link](https://discord.gg/DAKHuRJ4Yb)). **The Discord server might be required for some tasks.** Hope to see you there!↵
Contest Link: [here](https://mirror.codeforces.com/contestInvitation/afc425fa40020871454f12eb9cb750812e93e98c)↵
**UPD 2:** The contest is open to both individuals and teams. However, if you decide to join as part of a team, I encourage you to use the team registration feature on CF or at least submit from just one account.↵
I would also like to thank [user:gamegame,2021-03-30] and [user:DreamingLeaf,2021-03-30] for their help in testing and feedback (which changed one of the tasks). ↵
The contest scoring will be IOI-styled, and there are no time penalties. Most of the tasks have some form of partial scoring. There will be $7$ tasks in total, with scores $100-100-100-100-100-100-200$.↵
**UPD:** Registration should be open now. The contest starts in ~6 hours. Good luck and have fun! (If you haven't joined the discord server, I encourage you to do so :) ).
April Fools is near and as usual we have an [April Fools Day Contest](https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/88840) on Codeforces this year. In addition to that, I usually try to host some form of mini April Fools Contest for my friends every year (or almost every year). ↵
This year, I am trying to host a bigger April Fools Day contest than usual and I invite everyone to participate! In view of the April Fools contest on Codeforces, the round will begin at [31 March 10pm (GMT+8)](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=April+Fools+Day+Contest+2021+%28ZS%29&iso=20210331T22&p1=122) and lasts for exactly $24$ hours (and thus it will end ~35 minutes before the CF April Fools round). ↵
The contest will consist of several unusual tasks, and I hope that everyone will at least find something interesting. The problems will not be sorted by increasing order of difficulty (if the word difficulty is even applicable), so it is **highly advisable** to read (and try!) all tasks. This round is **not** an offical Codeforces round and thus is obviously **unrated**.↵
There is a Discord server for this contest (you can join it using [this link](https://discord.gg/DAKHuRJ4Yb)). **The Discord server might be required for some tasks.** Hope to see you there!↵
Contest Link: [here](https://mirror.codeforces.com/contestInvitation/afc425fa40020871454f12eb9cb750812e93e98c)↵
**UPD 2:** The contest is open to both individuals and teams. However, if you decide to join as part of a team, I encourage you to use the team registration feature on CF or at least submit from just one account.↵
I would also like to thank [user:gamegame,2021-03-30] and [user:DreamingLeaf,2021-03-30] for their help in testing and feedback (which changed one of the tasks). ↵
The contest scoring will be IOI-styled, and there are no time penalties. Most of the tasks have some form of partial scoring. There will be $7$ tasks in total, with scores $100-100-100-100-100-100-200$.↵
**UPD:** Registration should be open now. The contest starts in ~6 hours. Good luck and have fun! (If you haven't joined the discord server, I encourage you to do so :) ).