BooeyTheDeltoidroaster's blog

By BooeyTheDeltoidroaster, history, 3 months ago, In English


I forgot to mention in my last entry that I have a YouTube channel, and you can check it out ( )!!


I desperately need some video ideas, too, so if you have some ideas, I'm willing to listen!

I'm doing an experiment?!

I want to do a quirky little experiment with gkosthefinalboss7, Kokice5, bornag and greatgamer, and it can involve you in some way too! I was thinking to organize a monthly competiton where you create tasks that use specific algorithms and the judges will rate them at a few categories, like hoe suitable the task is for the meant difficulty, quality of text and how understandable the task is.

If I manage to get the guys on the same page, I hope there will be a cool competition around the corner!


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By BooeyTheDeltoidroaster, history, 3 months ago, In English

So.. The first entry was a small joke. But who cares?


Hi! I'm Booey (some ppl call me Šimek, my surname). I have an unhealthy opsession for cubes (GD), cool geometry (Desmos and GD again) and pure humour. Just don't spam me with yaoi, please. I already have enough trauma.

Titles, too? I love blog editing!

So.. um.. oh yea, goals. I'll try to get to 1400 till February and maybe I'll surpass my friendo Kos ([user:gkostehfinalboss7]) by 2026.

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