Diksha_goyal's blog

By Diksha_goyal, history, 5 days ago, In English

It's such a shame that Google India has a good number of skilled problem solvers, yet at least 30% of hires get in through cheating. Why aren't on-site interviews happening? Many blue and purple-rated coders are often rejected because they couldn't come up with the most optimal solution, while people who just dry-run a copy-pasted code—those who can't even solve Div2 A problems—are getting into Google India. I understand that competitive programming is mostly about self-interest and self-pride and has little to do with the actual job, but why is Google India offering such high perks to these cheaters? It's high time to prevent cheating. I even emailed the recruiters about this issue, and they simply ignored my message. Seriously, below-average candidates are getting into Google.

The interviewer thinks they can easily detect cheating, but it always seems to be a strong hire when the interviewee can provide a complete solution and dry-run it. The cheating setup is simple: project the cheater's screen so a helper can see the question, either by looking at the screen, the wall, the TV, or a monitor. Then, the helper posts the solution or hint on a mobile or another screen. A simple dynamic programming transition state or a hint about binary search is just enough for most people to come up with a solution. If it is still not enough, the helper provides a complete solution. Now, if there is a problem for the helper to solve or find on the internet, ChatGPT does a great job if the question is bookish or on Wikipedia.

I don't have the authority or power to control this. So, I urge all Googlers on Codeforces to take this issue forward and help control it. Shame on Google for not even having a portal to report such cheaters so I can show their chats or other evidence of cheating. It's not just a concern for Google, everyone uses Google, and we don't want our beloved products to be created by low-skilled, logicless developers.

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By Diksha_goyal, history, 14 months ago, In English
Your code here...

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int N, m;
    vector<vector<int> > Graph(N);
    for(int i = 0; i<m; i++){
        int p, q;
        --p, --q;
    int K;
    string ans(N, '0');
    map<int, set<int> > M;
    set<int> colored_points;
    for(int i = 0; i<N; i++) colored_points.insert(i);
        int p, d;
        pair<int, int> P = make_pair(p, 0);
        vector<int> vis(N, 0);
        vis[p] = 1;
        queue<pair<int, int> > Q;
            P = Q.front();
                if(P.second < d){
            for(auto e: Graph[P.first]){
                    vis[e] = 1;
                    Q.push(make_pair(e, P.second+1));
    for(auto e: M){
            return 0;
        int ok = 0;
        for(auto ee: e.second){
                ans[ee] = '1';
                ok = 1;
            return 0;
    for(auto e: colored_points) ans[e] = '1';

this is my solution to problem: https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc299/tasks/abc299_e

My logic is to colour all vertices black and then white if their distance is less than d for a given condition. Is that right? If it isn't, what's the issue, and if it is, where am I going wrong in my code?

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By Diksha_goyal, history, 3 years ago, In English

Given an array A of size n i.e., A = {A_1, A_2, ... A_n}

you are given K. you can choose any K integers (not necessarily from the given array)
i.e, X_1, X_2, X_3 .... X_K
Now, we define a function F for each A_i, such that F_i = min(abs(A_i - X_j)) where 1<= j <=K.

find the minimum value of F_1 + F_2 + .... F_n.


1 <= n <= 10^5
1<= K <= n

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By Diksha_goyal, history, 3 years ago, In English

I'm having a hard time understanding the editorial: https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc221/editorial/2732

for the problem: https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc221/tasks/abc221_e

I want to know how fen-wick tree is actually working in this problem. specially this block

for(int i=0; i<N; i++){
        ans += bit.sum(A[i])*modpow(2,i);
        ans %= mod;

I'm actually very new to CP and have no peers to seek help. So, I directly ask my problem through the blogs. please help me if you have an explanation to get me through it. Thanking you.

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