K.Outis's blog

By K.Outis, history, 4 days ago, In English

Hello Codeforces!!

I have another question for you now. I spent a lot of time coding this question but now I don't know what to do.

In the code I wrote 306101842 for this question 551E - GukiZ and GukiZiana, I reduced the memory usage and almost reduced the number of arrays and map used to 50!! (You can see it in my submissions. In fact, theoretically this seems wrong, but from somewhere I just wanted to see if it was possible to timeout but free up the memory?)

But there was no change in the amount of memory involved in the page My Submissions! (And the amount still remained at 262100 KB)

Can you tell me what is going on? I recently encountered a similar problem while trying to solve another question. So I need your urgent help!

  • Ok. I just realized that I'm really using up a lot of memory.. Can anyone tell me what I can do better?

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By K.Outis, history, 6 weeks ago, In English

If anyone can help me solve this code bug 300498718 , I would be grateful 160D - Edges in MST.

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By K.Outis, history, 2 months ago, In English

Ok Code Forces

I realize the error in the previous blog is huge and if I knew how to delete the blog I would have done so. Before I reach the poverty line in the Contribution area again.

But I really have a question this time!

I had written this code (296121982) for 113F but finally by converting the vector to a list I managed to solve this problem(296125493).

But I saw a friend who was able to solve the question with the same process(110436429). Can you guide me?

Thank you in advance.

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By K.Outis, 3 months ago, In English

I used [submission:https://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/2036/submission/290139246] for question 2036E, but it seems that there are some bugs in it that I can't see. I very accidentally saw that people used the same method to solve the question and did not give any wrong answer! Can anyone help me with this problem?

  • I'm sorry if I didn't write very well It seems that I am not well versed in blog tools

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By K.Outis, history, 4 months ago, In English

I used carrot extensions.

Can anyone tell me what the column with this symbol (Π) actually shows?

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