In 843E - Максимальный поток it is stated in the tutorial:
"For an each edge from original graph without any flow let's create a new edge with the same direction and c = INF
carrying capacity. For every edge with a flow let's create two edges: the first one with the same direction and c = 1
capacity and the second edge with reversed direction and c = INF
Why do I need the second edge with reversed direction and c=INF
for the edge with flow? I know it affect the min-cut but I cannot find any specific example. In fact, in one of tourist submissions 29956114, he didn't add this edge and still get AC.
int n, m, st, fin;
scanf("%d %d %d %d", &n, &m, &st, &fin);
st--; fin--;
flow_graph <int> g(n, st, fin);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
scanf("%d %d %d", from + i, to + i, flag + i);
from[i]--; to[i]--;
if (flag[i] == 1) {
g.add(from[i], to[i], 1, inf);
} else {
g.add(from[i], to[i], inf, 0);
cout << g.max_flow() << endl;
vector <bool> cut = g.min_cut();
flow_graph <int> g2(n + 2, n, n + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
if (!flag[i]) {
g2.add(n, to[i], 1, 0);
g2.add(from[i], n + 1, 1, 0);
g2.add(from[i], to[i], inf - 2, 0);
g2.add(fin, st, inf, 0);