Recyclops's blog

By Recyclops, 2 years ago, In English

Just participated in Weekly 325 and wanted to submit a solution for the 4th problem ~2 minutes after the contest ended so that I could verify it.
But apparently even to access the result, I must subscribe to LeetCode Premium!
Contests which can't even be upsolved are kind of pointless.
Hoping it's a UI bug.

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By Recyclops, history, 2 years ago, In English

I couldn't find any discussion or editorial blog, so am creating a new one.
Was able to solve the 2nd problem with Segment Tree (standard stuff) and attempted to solve the first one with 6D DP (wasn't able to debug an RE).
It would be great if you could share your approaches for the four problems.

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By Recyclops, history, 3 years ago, In English

A lot of companies (especially the big ones like Google and Facebook) have this year declared hiring freezes for indefinite periods of time (Google has apparently extended its). Almost everywhere, economically, we seem to be going through a stormy patch, with many saying that a recession, and layoffs in the IT industry, are all but inevitable now.

Maybe SWE internships are just a way for companies to test their final candidates for an actual job at the organization. Still, many companies (like Google and Microsoft) seem to be continuing on with their SWE Internship selections like normal.

In light of these things, should one expect there to be a lot less selections (or maybe none at all, which is far-fetched) this year, or would everything continue on just like every year this time too?

I had applied for the Google SWE internship via the online portal about a month ago, and recently got an email stating that I had been rejected for the role. Though rejections, in the case of things like this, should be normal even during a 'normal' year, I would still love to know more, and it would be great if anyone could share something regarding the state of things, or just their experience with internship applications in general this year.

Thanks for reading.

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By Recyclops, history, 3 years ago, In English

What I've observed over the few months that I've been a member here is that most of the people who participate in contests do it simply because they enjoy Competitive Programming; most of us aren't here to just inflate our ratings.
What if we we could put a system in place that is based on 'trusted members' (like trusted participants, but a bit more strict) volunteering to personally inspect a few randomly assigned anonymous submissions and check and flag submissions for things such as code obfuscation which are easily able to get through today's Plagiarism Detection System.

Because there are tens of thousands of active members who would satisfy the above criteria, every member would have to scrutinize at most a couple of accepted solutions and so this system should be easy to scale. Because the entries would be anonymous and people would have no way of knowing which users' submissions they'll have to scrutinize next, the chances of concerted mob behavior to 'game' the system would also be very, very low...
What to do with the submissions which have been flagged a certain number of times on a few different parameters is bound to remain an open question for at least a while and it would be great if you could share your suggestions...

For scrutinizing submissions, a new section could be added on the official website (like contests and problemset) that is accessible to only the trusted members (most of us), and people would be able to flag submissions only from this section. All submissions are public for viewing, but when they are to be checked for plagiarism, on this section, they'll appear as randomly assigned anonymous entries.
Further, the Plag. Detection System could flag suspicious submissions for things such as copious amounts of comments, and only those submissions would appear on this section.

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