Sumanto's blog

By Sumanto, 3 years ago, In English

Hi Everyone, I built a chrome extension that will hide the constraints of the problem shown in coding platforms as constraints reveal major hints to solve the given problem.

This helps to simulate real interview experience practice as in an interview you won't be revealed the constraints. The constraints give major hints of how to solve the problem. For example, if n<=20 then it's obvious the problem will be solved using some brute-force approach.

I will later add more features like support for other online judges hide difficulty, test cases etc. Just let me know how is this extension working or are there any bugs.
Note: As this is an open-source project, you can help add new features and resolve bugs.


Supported Platforms:
- Leetcode
- Binarysearch
- Codechef


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By Sumanto, 4 years ago, In English

Do deque in stl consume more memory than vector?

Memory Limit Exceeded due to Deque
Accepted when used Vector

Anyone give your insights regarding this issue? Do i missing something related to implementation of deque or vector?

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By Sumanto, history, 4 years ago, In English

My earlier code which was giving error: complete implementation here:

Code giving compilation error

This Code giving error as:


correct code after referring this thread i implemented and it worked but from this thread i couldn't able to understand why pointer object is doing which leads to removal of error?

complete implementation here:

Correct code ( doubt is don't know why working correctly)


After referring some blogs i came to know there is also an another way of handling this case

Different implemetation (correct)

I Believe i am missing some concept of c++ language which i need to know to understand what's going on here. Please share your views regarding this.

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By Sumanto, 4 years ago, In English

You are given N red candies and M blue candies.

Write a program to find the number of arrangements of candies in which not more than K candies of the same color are placed next to each other. Answer is large so use 1e9+7;


input Format:

Sample Input:
1 1 1 
2 1 1

Sample Output:

1-> RB, BR
2-> RBR

NOTE: i used this way but it lead to Memory Limit Exceeded as expected.

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By Sumanto, history, 4 years ago, In English

I searched on internet regarding this but didn't able to find perfect answer which could explain conceptually the difference between these two. Any light on this will help us all, i am sure many of would not know the theoretical difference between the two.

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By Sumanto, 4 years ago, In English My approach to this problem was to calculate maximum sum of each length sub-array's of each row separately and then use the length as weight and sum as price make it work like the way knapsack works. But issue is that i'am facing wrong answers in large test cases and not able to figure out why am i getting WRONG ANSWER. Any help would be really helpful

My submission

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By Sumanto, 4 years ago, In English to solve this problem i implemented dijkstra's and Dynamic Programming to decide whether to opt for coupon or not for each state transiton.But I'am getting TLE and not able to optimize my code. I think my approach is slow. Any suggestion please help. Here is william lin's code but i did't get his approach. If any one could explain what he did will be helpful

My Code

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By Sumanto, 4 years ago, In English I was solving this problem and my simple approach to detect the cycle is to store the current path in a vector and when i encounter a duplicate in cycle, I print it. But Issue is 3 test cases are giving me WA out of 20. Also test cases are really huge to debug the issue with my code. Any help will be thankful

My Submission

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By Sumanto, history, 4 years ago, In English

In this problem I used 0-1 knapsack to solve but got time limit exceeded. My approach to handle copies was to make duplicates of those items and apply knapsack. But it failed to pass few of the test cases(TLE). Any help will be appreciated.

My Code

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By Sumanto, history, 4 years ago, In English

There are two strings, s and t.

Perform two operations with string s:

  1. Working from Left-to-Right delete each occurance of t in s until there are no more occurances of t. Count each deletion.
  2. Working from Right-to-Left delete each occurance of t in s until there are no more occurances of t. Count each deletion.

Return Greater of the two counts.

Example: s="bcbbc" t="b" - From left To Right: s reduces to bcbbc->cbbc->cbc->cc, The number of moves is three - From Right To Left: bcbbc->bcbc->bcc->cc , The number of moves is three So ans is max(L-to-R,R-to-L)=3;

Example: s="aabb" t="ab" - From left To Right: s reduces to aabb->ab->"", The number of moves is two - From Right To Left: s reduces to aabb->ab->"", The number of moves is two So ans is max(L-to-R,R-to-L)=2;

Constraints: 1<=length(s)<=2*10^4 1<=length(t)<=100

snaps of the problem:

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By Sumanto, 4 years ago, In English

I was following the 12hr stream of tmwilliamlin168 solving 150 problems from CSES. In the problem , I did'nt understood why answer is max(sum of elements, 2*last element); (He doing the same problem at with Timestamp);

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By Sumanto, 4 years ago, In English I am applying staright forward DFS to the problem but it's getting Time Limit Exceeded. How to optimise the code. I checked out William Lin's Livestream but did'nt get his approach to the problem

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By Sumanto, 4 years ago, In English

A coach of a school chess club wants to start a mentoring program for newer players. Each player has an integer rating representing skill level. The coach would like to pair up students whose ratings differ by no less than a given minimum. What is the maximum number of pairs that can be formed?

for ex: n=6; rating=[1,2,3,4,5,6]; minDiff=4; ans: 2; explaination: There are Two pairs of players have a difference of 4 or more; those ratinggs are (1,5) and (2,6)

Constraints: 1<=n<=2*10^5 0<=rating[i]<=10^9 0<=minDiff<=10^9

This was asked in Hackerank intermediate certification Test.I failed to come up with a solution better than quadratic.

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By Sumanto, 4 years ago, In English
given an array of non-negative integers, count the number of unordered pairs of array elements such that their bitwise AND(&) is a power of 2.
for ex: for array [10,7,2,8,3]; there are 6 unordered pairs;

Constraints: 1<=n<=2*10^5 0<=ar[i]<=2^12
This was asked in Hackerank intermediate certification Test.I failed to come up with linear time solution.

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By Sumanto, 4 years ago, In English

I implemented my solution using LIS(nlogn way) in this Problem F: LIS on Tree. Issue is I'm Facing that,by changing the position changing the snippet code where LIS is getting calculated is giving me correct answer but giving TLE(time limit exceeded) in other way. As far as i can see this does not change the time complexity any how. Am I missing something conceptually on knowledge of LIS or on DFS?

TLE When LIS calculation inside for loop
Accepted after changing LIS snippet outside for loop

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By Sumanto, 5 years ago, In English

I implemented my solution using Binary Search in this Problem A: Deadline. Issue is I'm Facing that,by changing the value of high from 1e18 to n-1, my solution which was giving wrong answer now being accepted. To be on the safe side, I kept high=1e18, but it's giving wrong answer. Any Help on this would be really appreaciated. Am I missing something conceptually on knowledge of Binary Search?

Wrong Answer due to high=1e18
Accepted after high=n-1

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By Sumanto, history, 5 years ago, In English

  ` My question : How to approach and solve this problem? I feel like there are many ways to approach this problems but did'nt had time left to solve this.

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