TheGreatLoveImmortal's blog

By TheGreatLoveImmortal, history, 2 months ago, In English

Just how did so many solve this problem. I understand the rating is related to the number of people who solved it during the contest but I don't get it. Even with the editorial it seems so tough. Just what prerequisties should I have to solve these types of problems during contests?

Though I have to say I learnt a lot from the editorial. Building using given conditions, Sufficiency of a condition.

Is there a better way to solve than the given editorial?

Problem Link — Shohag Loves GCD

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By TheGreatLoveImmortal, history, 2 months ago, In English

We got so many contests in December. Thank you for so much of your effort and time. I'm new here so please share if there is a way we all can support you.

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By TheGreatLoveImmortal, history, 3 months ago, In English

I'm not telling I can copy them and become an LGM but all I want to know is where do they mainly learn and train? Like honestly orzdevinwang are so young but already among the top competitiors just curious to know what do they differently?

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By TheGreatLoveImmortal, history, 3 months ago, In English

I recently came across a Linkedin Post for the MNNIT's Insomnia. I would've loved to take part in it but I didn't it was being conducted on Codeforces. So my question is where do I find such events on Codeforces? Do we have a separate page for them?

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