On our last round Polynomial Round 2022 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!), there were many hacks. What do you think of hacks? Plz vote below.
- Hacks are a very important part of Codeforces Rounds.
- I often hack other people.
- I often become hacked or FST.
- I feel excited and satisfied when I hack someone successfully.
- I feel excited when I'm hacked.
- I feel worried when I'm hacked.
- I can find the reason why I'm hacked, and submit a correct one later.
- The number of hacks one made can show his/her ability of observation, debugging, and constructing.
- Hacks add random factor to standings because different rooms have different numbers of wrong submissions.
- Problemprovider should make strong pretests.
- Pretest shouldn't always contain all testcases i.e. pretest ≠ systemtest.
- I have hacked myself before.
- to be added...
Plz click the green triangle below so that I'll know how many hackers/defenders are voting:)