daftcoder's blog

By daftcoder, 12 years ago, translation, In English

You could solve it online from 11 до 16 msk. http://www.rsatu.ru/acm/

For Java users: they'll rename your external class!

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By daftcoder, 13 years ago, translation, In English

Once the Timus profile member's page was corrected, the script, that analysed solved problems and gave them complexity, in its current form was unable to work.

To edit the script needed an older version of the profile. But in Google's cache did not find any such page, but found something else...

http://acm.timus.ru/tester/ - tester by Vladimir Yakovlev. Someone may heard about that tester.

But then the fun things started...

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By daftcoder, 14 years ago, translation, In English

This is the news for English-speaking users of CodeForces.

There is a project cforces.reformal.ru made by freopen where users can add their ideas and report bugs. Administration of the CodeForces look through reformal and add most popular features (prove: one, two).

Unfortunately the is only Russian interface. But I've translated ideas that have at least 30 votes.

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By daftcoder, 14 years ago, translation, In English

Tomorrow, 7th May 3am MSK 24-hours Google Code Jam Qualification Round starts.

Registration will be available until the end of the contest.

Advancing from the Qualification Round will require 25 points.

UPD. Round began.

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By daftcoder, 14 years ago, In English
If you write on Java and still don't have a good template with most of needed algorithms, I recommend you to pay attention to a template by Abrackadabra.

You can find his code on the standings page, finding him in a table, double-pressing to a cell of a problem and finally clicking on a submit id.

But I don't give a guaranties that all code is correct.

GL & HF ;-)

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By daftcoder, 14 years ago, translation, In English
Problem 1. Sinking Ship.
The problem has lots of solutions. I will tell most simple which I saw.
Let's make structure {string,integer} (pair<string,int> in C++), we read the data into array of our structure, transforming rank to a priority (number). After that the necessary number of times equal to quantity of priorities (this problem - 4), we output those names from array which have the equal to cycle count priority.

Some solutions fell, who didn't consider indexes in sorting, i.e. used simply sort on a rank, instead of taking index in structure, or instead of stable_sort.

Problem 2. Settlers Training.
Let's make array A with size k+1 where Ai is a number of settlers with a rank i. After that, while exist a settler with rank lower k (A[k] not equally n), we model training activity. Finally we output the needed amount of coins.
It is necessary not to be mistaken only, in bypassing an array with ranks from left to right, though the test 2 saves us from this potential error.

Problem 3. Bulls and Cows.
We make an array with 10000 elements, mark all possible in this game number by ones. Then we eliminate these numbers by game rules for every of n input, i.e. we mark with zero the numbers from an array at which comparison with ai don't give numbers of bulls and cows bi and ci.
Finally if there is only one marked number - it's the answer, if there are several such numbers  - there is not enough information, if no one number is marked - the data is incorrect.

Problem 4. Dividing Island.
The main problem - to make areas connected.
It's possible to solve this problem so: we fill our island with a snake which moves through a column upwards-downwards and moves to a next column at its filling. Initial coordinate is (1,1) if A is even or B = 1, or (B, 1) if A is odd and B > 1.

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By daftcoder, 14 years ago, translation, In English

As you could notice there are some changes in rating graph.

For example with prompting on a point of a competition it is possible to see a place occupied with the participant, rating change and we can go to the table of results.

And what else do you want to see in that graph? :)

UPD: As for me...
1) Rank: 91 of 521
2) Solved: 2 of 5
3) Maybe somethink like http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/13/standings?place=91 or/and http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/33/standings?room=12

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By daftcoder, 15 years ago, translation, In English
Onсe at three o'clock (MSK) in the morning, I have come on Codeforces and have seen such picture:

Couldn't stop not to make a screen picture.

Do you have any signs linked to competitions, favourite and unloved numbers?

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By daftcoder, 15 years ago, In English
Based on NEERC 2009-2010.

We have met him suddenly, a pair of clocks before departure home.

P.S.: Every joke can have it's jest. ;)

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By daftcoder, 15 years ago, translation, In English

The subject is old as the World. As the World of sports programming.

What algorithms should be known to the person (command) to have possibility to solve the most of problems?

I wish to hear Your opinions. 

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By daftcoder, 15 years ago, In English


 gif 5 KB

 jpg 25 KB

Brighter variants (jpg):

...if someone still uses them. =)

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By daftcoder, 15 years ago, translation, In English

I watched the project in a month and this week I had a possibility to participate.

Many thanks MikeMirzayanov for the organisation of this project.

There are some offers concerning site improvements:

1) direct discussion with quoting

Discussion in the form of a tree happens rather inconveniently. The messages are posted nonlinear and it's sometimes difficult to watch updates in a huge topic. It seems to me consecutive answers with quoting possibility (in the form of the text and the link to a post) would be ideal.

2) source code viewing directly from the table

The question "And where I can see Peter's code?" appears frequently. It would be extremely useful to have possibility to watch the code directly from the table of competitions: when you press Ctrl + Click on a table cell you receive submit's queue. Clicking to the submit here would be very convenient for looking at initial code.

To facilitate code viewing of top's participants such thing will help here:


4) link to contest tutorials

There is no link (from contest page) on a post, containing problem's tutorials. In the absence of tutorials the link should make you offer to write tutorials.

5) nickname change possibility

Useful or not?

7) opportunity to subscript/unsubscript topic/someone's blog/whole forum

I'm really waiting for that.

8) login redirecting bug

9) recent actions bug

Dublicating messages on refresh.

10) delivery bug

11) "narrow screens" bug

Solved problems:

3) base of algorithms - Waiting for merging (and translating?) e-maxx and Codeforces.

6) rating graph - Implemented.

Thanks, fast ACes to you. :)

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