I've just turned International Grandmaster. Now you can ask me anything in the comments.
# | User | Rating |
1 | tourist | 3856 |
2 | jiangly | 3747 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3591 |
6 | gamegame | 3477 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3462 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
10 | heuristica | 3431 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 168 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 162 |
3 | Dominater069 | 160 |
4 | Um_nik | 159 |
5 | atcoder_official | 156 |
6 | djm03178 | 153 |
6 | adamant | 153 |
8 | luogu_official | 149 |
9 | awoo | 148 |
10 | TheScrasse | 146 |
I've just turned International Grandmaster. Now you can ask me anything in the comments.
Name |
Do you think pineapple on pizza is a crime
No, I actually like pineapple on pizza :)
Hey, pineapples on pizza are great! People who never tasted it basically hate it for the memes.
What does TheScrasse mean?
I randomly generated "TheScrasse" while trying to come up with an Instagram username > 5 years ago. Somehow my friends liked it very much, and a few minutes later it became my "official" nickname.
Here is some context if you're really curious.
I want to learn Italian,Is it hard language?Is it possible to learn Italian in 3 month
As an Italian, I've never dealt with learning Italian as a second language :)
Anyway, I guess learning Italian is not so hard (maybe it's as difficult as French or Spanish). If you're really serious about it, you can learn it in a few months.
Not 2nd language it will be 5th language
Ok, I guess learning a 5th language is easier than learning a 2nd language.
How is it in Italy
I wanna move to Italy when I grow up
I want to go away from Italy :(
I mean, I think it's quite fun to visit Italy as a tourist, but maybe it's better to study / work somewhere else. This is an extreme example, but the situation is not much different on average.
What are the skills needed to reach Master ?
You don't need any "advanced" algorithms to reach master (math, DP and DFS/BFS were enough in my case). Maybe "speedforces" and a good understanding of greedy are more useful.
However, I think learning new algorithms / tricks (for example on USACO Guide) is not a bad idea. Even if you won't use them so often on Codeforces, they make you think in new ways and improve in the long run.
Thank you
do you do duolingo
I used to, but I think it isn't so useful (example).
can you continue your tutorial blog with DP series? https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/101271
I usually write tutorials when I find out that there is no tutorial on that topic. Since there are already a lot of tutorials about DP (for example, the ones on USACO Guide), I don't think I will write one unless I find something "new" to explain.
What is the IGM?I can't find it in the Internet.
International Grandmaster
(very interesting question)
(very interesting answer)
What skills are required to reach Pupil ?
Can you review my profile and suggest me some tips so that I can improve?
Try this.
In my opinion, if you want to become pupil / specialist, practicing on Codeforces is not so useful because it gives bad habits: in particular, in most easy problems on Codeforces, guessing the answer is easier than actually thinking.
what motivates you to get up in the morning? don't you feel the world is too dull?
Assuming "the world is too dull", as a "less dull than others" I have the responsibility of making the world a better place.
Anyway, the people around me (who study in my university) and a lot of other people are definitely not "dull": they are much more hardworking, curious and socially skilled than me, and I have to learn a lot from them.
Are you planning to participate in UOJ NOI Round #7, as hos.lyric is?
I can't, I'm really busy with exams these days. I was also going to skip the last div1 rounds, but I did them anyway just because I was too tired to continue studying for university.
Were you expecting people to check the blog history?
I tried to replicate this. Unfortunately, it backfired because we are all receiving the necroposting warning. I realized only later that the blog history is also visible.
do you talk a lot in your mind when solving problem ? like you can actually hear you voice out loud, i wonder if it was just me who have that kind of problem
Well, if I can (i.e., there is no one else in my room), I actually speak out loud during the contest, like I was explaining my thoughts to someone else, and it helps me a lot. Otherwise, I murmur (so that no one hears me).
In any case, I also write / draw a lot on paper during the contest, and I guess that would help anyone.
is your profile of a rotten tomato?
Edit — (Wow, the reply to this comment got featured in the Goodbye 2024 Contest Announcement Blog!)
It's a cherry.
Do you have any plans before becoming a Grandmaster or you just do random problems? I want to know what is your colledge also and the related knowledge to become a Grandmaster.
During contests or problem solving I usually try to implement my solutions without proving them, because of which I get stuck while implementing or I realize it too late that my solution was wrong. Have you also done that mistake and what do you do to avoid it?
While solving a problem, I write any observation / step on paper (and I usually make many "small" and provable steps). As a side effect, when I think I have a full solution, I can double check that the whole "path" to the solution makes sense.
What do you recommend to decrease debug time and avoid edge cases? I solve a lot of problems daily but it almost always takes 2-3 wrong answers before I get it.Also, are there any resources you like to stress test?
a[b[c + 1].first] - 1
, which makes the code much harder to debug. A slightly longer code is better than code that is difficult to read.I'm actually pretty bad at implementing (for example, compared to my ICPC teammates). During SWERC (the regional ICPC phase), I didn't touch the computer :D
However, some months ago I slightly changed code style (for example, I removed global variables from my code) and it helped pretty much. Now I sometimes write code correctly at the first try :)
I don't like using the words "edge cases", because sometimes if $$$n$$$ is big the edge case happens with probability close to $$$1$$$, so it's not "on the edge". However, I can't find a better term to define edge cases.
Thank you so much, do you ever stress test your code, if so, when and how do you do it?
Sorry, I forgot to reply to that question.
I've never used tools for stress testing. If I get WA, first of all I check undefined behaviors using some flags. Then, I try to generate small cases by hand. Sometimes it doesn't work, so I write a generator and a brute force. If the generator is strong enough (most of the times, all the small cases + a few random larger cases are sufficient), you will find the error.
Great, thanks a lot again..
When you train do you often look editorials if you can't come to the solution (or when you trained before becoming master / grandmaster)?
Yes, I read the editorial quite often. If I feel I'm not close solving a problem even after trying for a lot of time, I look at the editorial.
Could you please join Politecnico di Torino so you can team up with N.N_2004 and fold everybody as swerc and get us a world final spot?
Let me ask my teammates :)
Do You think Italy can qualify for the next Fifa worldcup?
As far as I know, Italy team is usually decently strong and it's supposed to qualify, so I hope it doesn't mess up like last time...
Why it is a blueberry now?
I'm preparing a Div. 1 on Codeforces, so I'm using Codeforces colors (blue, yellow, red) for a while.
I am preparing for olympiad any adivice on where to practice and what algos do i need to know(please advice that is different from everyone's advice on codeforces)
I'm noob at olympiads, please ask someone else :(
ok thanks for being honest