Привет, Codeforces! Мы с sdyakonov приглашаем вас на [contest:382218], который состоится в [contest_time:382218]. Приглашаем всех желающих. Контест будет не рейтинговый. Соревнование будет проводиться по стандартам ICPC. Всего будет 11 задач. Контест будет больше всего интересен экспертам или ниже. Но мы приглашаем поучаствовать фиолетовых и выше. Контест будет в этой группе.
Задачи были подготовлены sdyakonov, Kirill020708, onlytrall
Условия будут на английском и русском языках
Спасибо за подготовку контеста следующим людям:
- Тестерам: valerikk, Sokol080808, adepteXiao, makrav, onlytrall, Splatjov, dirolll_top, MrDlop, akatevsw.
- Отдельная благодарность onlytrall за генераторы тестов.
- sdyakonov за отклонение большого количества задач.
Также большое спасибо MikeMirzayanov за системы Polygon и Codeforces!
UPD: Контест будет длиться 2 часа
Когда регистрация откроется?
Вроде бы за 6 часов до начала контеста, раньше не получается пока сделать
Wow cool !!
lol can we register in teams?
when I click on
it shows me .#"You are not allowed to view the contest."
You cannot view contest now because you must register to it before. Registration will open six hours before the contest. Now you can join to group, but don't forget to register to the contest.
А для какого уровня контест?
Цитирую блог:
Насколько я знаю, цитирование использует знак $$$>$$$
i hope it will be a good practice for me , i'm getting ready for my icpc local qualification....
Please make the solutions public. I wanna see other's implementation for problems i couldn't solve.
i think problems were good especially last three problems.
thank you for holding nice contest.
thank you for feedback
In Problem $$$J$$$ I wrote Dijkstra with set and found $$$min \; x$$$ such that $$$x - x / m =d$$$ using binary search, but I get TL. How to do it faster?
Your solution didn't TL on some large tests, may be problem in infinite loop (also we opened tests)
There solution with formula for searching min x in $$$O(1)$$$: [submission:157928657]
Excuse me, I have no prermission to see this
oh, sry, fixed now
I still can't)
I get message in bottom-right: "You are not allowed to view the contest"
You can see the submissions in submission page of a problem
don't know how to fix it( added code
A, the problem was that in binary search I give value to $$$r$$$ of segment not $$$10^9$$$, but
The answer to problem is $$$\le 10^9$$$, however some pathes can have very big cost, and I tried to count them too.
Numbertheory forces T_T, But the problems were good.
Last 3 problems are interesting .. saved!