Some time ago I created a problem for local programming competition. Unfortunately it turned out that I had incomplete proof of one lemma, that I can not show even to this day.
Lemma: Given an increasing array of N arbitrary large numbers we define its cost as sum of lengths of all non-trivial, maximal arithmetic progressions starting at the first element. The cost of any array is O(NlogN).
For example for array [0,2,3,4,6,8,9] — the total cost is |[0,2,4,6,8]|+|[0,3,6,9]|+|[0,4,8]|+|[0,6]|+|[0,8]|+|[0,9]|=5+4+3+2+2+2=18.
It is easy to see, that if we simply take N consecutive natural numbers we get O(NlogN) cost, but I was not able to prove that this is the worst case scenario.
Best complexity I can show is o(N2), but still far from the goal...
Can anyone show if the lemma is true or false?
Shouldn't the answer for the example be 5+4+3+2+2+2=18?
Sure, fixed. Thanks!
The second part is false then.
F([0,1,2,3,4,5])=15 as
On the other hand, F([0,1,2,3,4,6])=16 as
That is a fair point :o
Is the array strictly increasing, or just non-decreasing?
Edit: Actually, I guess we may assume that the array is just strictly increasing (having duplicate values cannot increase the number of arithmetic progressions).
Array is strictly increasing
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Spent about an hour and couldn't solve it. Brilliant, though very hard problem :)
We can try something with differences
di = di+1 — di
d1 d2 d3 -- dn-1 ,
now our problems become how many different ways are there to divide these differences in different groups of equal sum such that we can't take out this sum from last group of remaining elements anymore
first group : d0, d1 + d2 + -- + dl, dl+1 — dr, [dr -- indivisible group]
similarly : d0 + d1, ------- , [dr -- indivisible group
I got until here, main observations were : that no. of groups of each length will reduce significantly ,
total no. of diff arrays will be n
O(NlogN) seems hard, but here is a proof for O(N3/2) bound:
It is easy to see that ai,aj can be consecutive elements of at most one maximal arithmetic progression.
Let Si — set of such j's that ai<aj are consecutive in one of the sequences. The answer for the problem is ∑ni=1|Si|+n
[1] If the [0=ai0,ai1,ai2,…aik] is a maximal sequence, then ∑k−1j=0ij+1−ij=ik−i0≤n.
Let S′i=[j−i:j∈Si]. From [1] we have that ∑ni=1∑k∈S′ik≤n2. On the other hand ∑k∈S′ik≥|S′i|22, because S′i is a set of distinct natural numbers. Combining those two inequalities we have: ∑ni=1|S′i|2≤2n2. Using AM-QM inequality we obtain that ∑ni=1|Si|∈O(N3/2).
Consider the following algorithm that counts the number of arithmetic progressions:
Since we iterated over all multiples of primes, we iterated over all differences possible (we excluded 1, so the bound will have an extra n term). We also know that ∑pℓp=n. It remains to bound the sum of ⌊ℓi⌋:
Summing over all primes yield ∑ℓpℓp⋅logℓp≤n⋅logn.
Edit: As w0nsh said, a single number can contribute to multiple ℓp's. We know that x can have at most logx different prime divisors. Suppose ai≤M, then ∑pℓp≤n⋅logM, and the bound will be n⋅logM⋅log(n⋅logM). I assumed that for a specific prime number, all differences are possible. Perhaps proving an O(n⋅logn) bound requires analyzing this more carefully.
I don't think ∑pℓp=n is true. One number can contribute to multiple ℓp 's.
I don't see why p,2p,3p,…,ℓ⋅p should be the only valid differences for a given prime. Are you implicitly assuming that 1,2,…,n (or p,2p,…,n⋅p) is the sequence with highest cost? (I think ⌊ℓi⌋ should be ⌊Mi⌋, but then considering primes doesn't help.)
Here's a simple O(Mlogn) bound: WLOG suppose the first element is 0. For every non-zero element x, there is a unique maximal arithmetic progression starting with 0,x,…. Its length is at most Mx+1. Summing over all x gives
Should be noted that consecutive numbers isn't the worst one, but it probably is asymptotically. For example, [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] has lower cost then [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8].
I found a proof for slightly worse bound: O(nlog2n).
Let pi,pi+1 be consecutive primes. Let Epi be a set of pairs (al,aj) such that there exists maximal arithmetic progression, such that al is the pi-th element, and aj is the pi+1-th element. WLOG we can assume that a0=0, therefore alaj=pipi+1
Notice that from the Prime number theorem it follows that the cost in original problem is O(∑p|Ep|logn).
Lets consider initially empty graph G with V=[a0,a1,…an−1]. We will be adding edges from E2,E3,… to the graph, in that order.
[1] every vertex appears in Ep at most twice;
[2] If al,ak are in the same connected component of (V,E2∪…∪Epi) then alak=AB for some coprime numbers A,B with prime factors ≤pi+1. Therefore for every j>i: (ak,al)∉Epj.
From [1] it follows that if we are adding edges from Eq and connecting two components S1,S2, then |Eq∩S1×S2|≤2⋅min(|S1|,|S2|). Combining smaller-to-bigger argument and [2], we obtain, that the total number of edges in graph (V,E2∪E3∪…) is O(nlogn), so the bound for the problem is O(nlog2n).
This seems to be a huge improvement! Wow :o
amazing proof
Hey, if the array is increasing, then it's very easy to prove following:
Cost can be calculated in O(Nlog²N) in worst scenario. (Add: maybe one log factor can be reduced, depends on restrictions on A[i])
Let's assume our array is
a0, a1, a2, a3, ... , aN.
We construct another array d
d0, d1, ... , dN
Such that d[i] = a[i]-a[0]
Now let's see. If array is increasing, we can iterate for each d[i] (ignoring d[0]) and do
int k=1; while (map[d*k]) { //while d*k exists in array k++ } In the end, k will be the length of such subarray with d==d[i]
//Map adds another log factor, maybe can be reduced
1)Note, that k<=n 2)Because array is strictly increasing, d1<d2<d3<...<dN 3)Means total complexity will be in worst scenario O(n/d1 + n/d2 + ... + n/dN)
Now let's prove that this is <=O(nlogn)
First of all, note that n/d1 + n/d2 + n/d3 + ... + n/dN <= n/1 + n/2 + n/3 + ... + n/N (you can verify it by n/d1 <= n/1, n/d2 <= n/2, etc.)
So worst case complexity is O(n/1 + n/2 + n/3 + ... + n/n). For me it's already well known lemma that this is <=NlogN, but if somehow you didn't know this:
n/1+n/2+...+n/n = n( 1+1/2+1/3+...+1/n)
1/2+1/3 < 1/2+1/2 = 1 1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7 < 1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4 = 1 ... 1/2^k + 1/(2^k+1) + ... + 1/(2^(k+1)-1) < 2^k * 1/2^k = 1
So 1+1/2+1/3+...+1/n < 1+1+1+...+1+1 <= log n
So O(n*(1+1/2+1/3+...+1/n)) < O(nlogn)
Here's a construction that does ω(nlogn) for infinitely many n, disproving the lemma:
Choose some k and consider the set of elements i⋅j for 1≤i,j≤k — sorted, after removing duplicates and with a 0 in the beginning.
This sequence has cost Ω(k2logk): any starting element ij has a sequence of length at least ki which is enough to show this bound.
However, after removing duplicates we have o(k2) elements in our sequence — as found here: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/108912/number-of-elements-in-the-set-1-cdots-n-cdot-1-cdots-n/108939#108939
Choosing k=√n gives the contradiction. We still don't know the exact bound though.
Won't removing the duplicates affect the total cost estimate as well, since ij are not counted multiple times anymore?
Right, it might make it asymptotically less than k2logk, my bad. Not sure if this invalidates the construction but I feel like it does.