void solve(){ ll n;cin>>n; vll b(n+2); FOR(i,0,n+2){ cin>>b[i]; } ll mx = *max_element(all(b)); sort(b.rbegin(),b.rend());
vll a; ll c=0; FOR(i,1,n+3){ if(b[i]<=mx and c<n){ a.pb(b[i]); mx-=b[i]; c++; } } // dbg(a); if(sz(a)!=n){ sort(all(b)); dbg(b); ll m = *max_element(all(b)); vll temp; FOR(i,0,n){ temp.pb(b[i]); } dbg(temp); if(accumulate(all(temp),0)!=m){ cout<<-1<<endl; return; } for(auto i:temp){ cout<<i<<" "; } cout<<endl; } else{ for(auto i:a){ cout<<i<<" "; } cout<<endl; }
Why this code is not working in online judge but working in my pc.
Your vector b have n+2 positions, 0,1,...b+1, but in FOR(I,1,n+3) you trying to access to b[n+2], but that's out of bounds.