Is there any way still like I can get basic user information for their codechef profile like handle, contest rating, country Ranking, Globel Ranking, and the total number of questions solved all time?
# | User | Rating |
1 | tourist | 3856 |
2 | jiangly | 3747 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3591 |
6 | gamegame | 3477 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3462 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
10 | heuristica | 3431 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 168 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 162 |
3 | Dominater069 | 160 |
4 | Um_nik | 159 |
5 | atcoder_official | 158 |
6 | djm03178 | 154 |
7 | adamant | 153 |
8 | luogu_official | 149 |
9 | awoo | 148 |
10 | TheScrasse | 146 |
Is there any way still like I can get basic user information for their codechef profile like handle, contest rating, country Ranking, Globel Ranking, and the total number of questions solved all time?
Name |
Hey, see if this helps-{username} replace {username} with your codechef id
direction_ the api worked for you?
This api doesnt work for me my username for codechef is sanjaysrocks
API Response
Upon checking out the github repo of the api, it seems to me that it only fetches data for user with an active rating. You can try using the api for an account with rating.
I am active on codechef from last 10 days and have some stats. The api doesnt work.
Seriously dude are you not aware of the rating concept?
The api ONLY works for users who have participated in a rated contest and have an ACTIVE RATING (for example I am a 4 star (rating: 1844) on codechef. You are unrated on CC.
Atleast have complete knowledge about a platform before nullifying someone's hard work.
It's working.
This is not working now... My codechef handle is jai_kumar30 Could you please resolve the problem in my code? Am I doing something wrong?
// Fetch CodeChef data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ async function fetchCodechefData() { const url=
https: //{jai_kumar30}
;} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@J_A_I_KUMAR i think the error is here:
in the url you have to replace {username} with your username without the curly braces
try this: const url=;
Demo :
web :
Can there be an API for dead users as well? it will help a lot, as lot of programmers don't give contests upon reaching a desired rating range.
my understanding is the api works as long as user has given atleast one rated contest.